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Bloemsma, LD, Gehring, U, Klompmaker, JO, Hoek, G, Janssen, NAH, Smit, HA, Vonk, JM, Brunekreef, B, Lebret, E & Wijga, AH.

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Dijk, FN, Xu, C, Melén, E, Carsin, A-E, Kumar, A, Nolte, IM, Gruzieva, O, Pershagen, G, Grotenboer, NS, Savenije, OEM, Antó, JM, Lavi, I, Dobaño, C, Bousquet, J, van der Vlies, P, van der Valk, RJP, de Jongste, JC, Nawijn, MC, Guerra, S, Postma, DS & Koppelman, GH.

“Cohort Profile: Pregnancy And Childhood Epigenetics (PACE) Consortium”. Int J Epidemiol. 47 Feb(1) [2018], 22-23u.

Felix, JF, Joubert, BR, Baccarelli, AA, Sharp, GC, Almqvist, C, Annesi-Maesano, I, Arshad, H, Baïz, N, Bakermans-Kranenburg, MJ, Bakulski, KM, Binder, EB, Bouchard, L, Breton, CV, Brunekreef, B, Brunst, KJ, Burchard, EG, Bustamante, M, Chatzi, L, Cheng Munthe-Kaas, M, Corpeleijn, E, Czamara, D, Dabelea, D, Davey Smith, G, De Boever, P, Duijts, L, Dwyer, T, Eng, C, Eskenazi, B, Everson, TM, Falahi, F, Fallin, MD, Farchi, S, Fernandez, MF, Gao, L, Gaunt, TR, Ghantous, A, Gillman, MW, Gonseth, S, Grote, V, Gruzieva, O, Håberg, SE, Herceg, Z, Hivert, M-F, Holland, N, Holloway, JW, Hoyo, C, Hu, D, Huang, R-C, Huen, K, Järvelin, M-R, Jima, DD, Just, AC, Karagas, MR, Karlsson, R, Karmaus, W, Kechris, KJ, Kere, J, Kogevinas, M, Koletzko, B, Koppelman, GH, Küpers, LK, Ladd-Acosta, C, Lahti, J, Lambrechts, N, Langie, SAS, Lie, RT, Liu, AH, Magnus, MC, Magnus, P, Maguire, RL, Marsit, CJ, McArdle, W, Melén, E, Melton, P, Murphy, SK, Nawrot, TS, Nisticò, L, Nohr, EA, Nordlund, B, Nystad, W, Oh, SS, Oken, E, Page, CM, Perron, P, Pershagen, G, Pizzi, C, Plusquin, M, Raikkonen, K, Reese, SE, Reischl, E, Richiardi, L, Ring, S, Roy, RP, Rzehak, P, Schoeters, G, Schwartz, DA, Sebert, S, Snieder, H, Sørensen, TIA, Starling, AP, Sunyer, J, Taylor, JA, Tiemeier, H, Ullemar, V, Vafeiadi, M, Van Ijzendoorn, MH, Vonk, JM, Vriens, A, Vrijheid, M, Wang, P, Wiemels, JL, Wilcox, AJ, Wright, RJ, Xu, C-J, Xu, Z, Yang, IV, Yousefi, P, Zhang, H, Zhang, W, Zhao, S, Agha, G, Relton, CL, Jaddoe, VWV & London, SJ.

“Air pollution and airway resistance at age 8 years – the PIAMA birth cohort study”. Environ Health. 17 Jul(1) [2018], 61.

Finke, I, de Jongste, JC, Smit, HA, Wijga, AH, Koppelman, GH, Vonk, J, Brunekreef, B, Gehring, U.

“Genetic and epigenetic regulation of YKL-40 in childhood”. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 141 Mar(3) [2018], 1105-14.

Guerra, S, Melén, E, Sunyer, J, Xu, C-J, Lavi, I, Benet, M, Bustamante, M, Carsin, A-E, Dobaño, C, Guxens, M, Tischer, C, Vrijheid, M, Kull, I, Bergström, A, Kumar, A, Söderhäll, C, Gehring, U, Dijkstra, DJ, van der Vlies, P, Wickman, M, Bousquet, J, Postma, DS, Anto, JM & Koppelman, GH.

“Dynamic prediction of childhood high blood pressure in a population-based birth cohort: a model development study”. BMJ Open. 8 Nov 21(11) [2018], e023912.

Hamoen, M, Vergouwe, Y, Wijga, AH, Heymans, MW, Jaddoe, VWV, Twisk, JWR, Raat, H & de Kroon, MLA.

“Atopic dermatitis: Interaction between genetic variants of GSTP1,, TNF, TLR2, and TLR4 and air pollution in early life”. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 29 Sep(6) [2018], 596-605.

Hüls, A, Klümper, C, MacIntyre, EA, Brauer, M, Melén, E, Bauer, M, Berdel, D, Bergström, A, Brunekreef, B, Chan-Yeung, M, Fuertes, E, Gehring, U, Gref, A, Heinrich, J, Standl, M, Lehmann, I, Kerkhof, M, Koppelman, GH, Kozyrskyj, AL, Pershagen, G, Carlsten, C, Krämer, U, Schikowski, T & TAG Study Group.

“The sex-shift in single disease and multimorbid asthma and rhinitis during puberty – a study by MeDALL”. Allergy. 73 Mar(3) [2018], 602-14.

Keller, T, Hohmann, C, Standl, M, Wijga, AH, Gehring, U, Melén, E, Almqvist, C, Lau, S, Eller, E, Wahn, U, Christiansen, ES, von Berg, A, Heinrich, J, Lehmann, I, Maier, D, Postma, DS, Antó, JM, Bousquet, J, Keil, T & Roll, S.

“Air pollution exposure and lung function until age 16 years: the PIAMA birth cohort study”. Eur Respir J. 52(3) [2018], 1800218.

Milanzi, EB, Koppelman, GH, Smit, HA, Wijga, AH, Oldenwening, M, Vonk, JM, Brunekreef, B & Gehring, U.

“Identification of atopic dermatitis subgroups in children from 2 longitudinal birth cohorts”. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 141 Mar(3) [2018], 964-71.

Paternoster, L, Savenije, OEM, Heron, J, Evans, DM, Vonk, JM, Brunekreef, B, Wijga, AH, Henderson, AJ, Koppelman, GH & Brown, SJ.

“Early introduction of complementary foods and childhood overweight in breastfed and formula-fed infants in the Netherlands: the PIAMA birth cohort study”. Eur J Nutr. 57 Aug(5) [2018], 1985-93.

Pluymen, LPM, Wijga, AH, Gehring, U, Koppelman, GH, Smit, HA, van Rossem, L.

“Childhood infections and common carotid intima media thickness in adolescence”. Epidemiol Infect. Nov [2018], 1-7.

Prins-van Ginkel, AC, Bruijning-Verhagen, PCJ, Wijga, AH, Bots, ML, Gehring, U, van der Hoek, W, Koppelman, GH, van Rossem, L, Uiterwaal, CSPM, Smit, HA & van der Sande, MAB.

“Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of DNA methylation and childhood asthma”. J Allergy Clin Immunol. Dec [2018].

Reese, SE, Xu, C-J, den Dekker, HT, Lee, MK, Sikdar, S, Ruiz-Arenas, C, Merid, SK, Rezwan, FI, Page, CM, Ullemar, V, Melton, PE, Oh, SS, Yang, IV, Burrows, K, Söderhäll, C, Jima, DD, Gao, L, Arathimos, R, Küpers, LK, Wielscher, M, Rzehak, P, Lahti, J, Laprise, C, Madore, A-M, Ward, J, Bennett, BD, Wang, T, Bell, DA, BIOS consortium, Vonk, JM, Håberg, SE, Zhao, S, Karlsson, R, Hollams, E, Hu, D, Richards, AJ, Bergström, A, Sharp, GC, Felix, JF, Bustamante, M, Gruzieva, O, Maguire, RL, Gilliland, F, Baïz, N, Nohr, EA, Corpeleijn, E, Sebert, S, Karmaus, W, Grote, V, Kajantie, E, Magnus, MC, Örtqvist, AK, Eng, C, Liu, AH, Kull, I, Jaddoe, VWV, Sunyer, J, Kere, J, Hoyo, C, Annesi-Maesano, I, Arshad, SH, Koletzko, B, Brunekreef, B, Binder, EB, Räikkönen, K, Reischl, E, Holloway, JW, Jarvelin, M-R, Snieder, H, Kazmi, N, Breton, CV, Murphy, SK, Pershagen, G, Anto, JM, Relton, CL, Schwartz, DA, Burchard, EG, Huang, R-C, Nystad, W, Almqvist, C, Henderson, AJ, Melén, E, Duijts, L, Koppelman, GH & London, SJ.

“Gestational weight gain charts for different body mass index groups for women in Europe, North America, and Oceania”. BMC Med. 16 May(1) [2018], 201.

Santos, S, Eekhout, I, Voerman, E, Gaillard, R, Barros, H, Charles, M-A, Chatzi, L, Chevrier, C, Chrousos, GP, Corpeleijn, E, Costet, N, Crozier, S, Doyon, M, Eggesbø, M, Fantini, MP, Farchi, S, Forastiere, F, Gagliardi, L, Georgiu, V, Godfrey, KM, Gori, D, Grote, V, Hanke, W, Hertz-Picciotto, I, Heude, B, Hivert, M-F, Hryhorczuk, D, Huang, R-C, Inskip, H, Jusko, TA, Karvonen, AM, Koletzko, B, Küpers, LK, Lagström, H, Lawlor, DA, Lehmann, I, Lopez-Espinosa, M-J, Magnus, P, Majewska, R, Mäkelä, J, Manios, Y, McDonald, SW, Mommers, M, Morgen, CS, Moschonis, G, Murínová, L, Newnham, J, Nohr, EA, Andersen, A-MN, Oken, E, Oostvogels, AJJM, Pac, A, Papadopoulou, E, Pekkanen, J, Pizzi, C, Polanska, K, Porta, D, Richiardi, L, Rifas-Shiman, SL, Roeleveld, N, Santa-Marina, L, Santos, AC, Smit, HA, Sørensen, TIA, Standl, M, Stanislawski, M, Stoltenberg, C, Thiering, E, Thijs, C, Torrent, M, Tough, SC, Trnovec, T, van Gelder, MMHJ, van Rossem, L, von Berg, A, Vrijheid, M, Vrijkotte, TGM, Zvinchuk, O, van Buuren, S & Jaddoe, VWV.

“Maternal Smoking during Pregnancy and Early Childhood and Development of Asthma and Rhinoconjunctivitis – a MeDALL Project”. Environ Health Perspect. 126 Dec(4) [2018], 047005.

Thacher, JD, Gehring, U, Gruzieva, O, Standl, M, Pershagen, G, Bauer, C-P, Berdel, D, Keller, T, Koletzko, S, Koppelman, GH, Kull, I, Lau, S, Lehmann, I, Maier, D, Schikowski, T, Wahn, U, Wijga, AH, Heinrich, J, Bousquet, J, Anto, JM, von Berg, A, Melén, E, Smit, HA, Keil, T & Bergström, A.

“Healthcare utilisation and expenditure of overweight and non-overweight children”. J Epidemiol Community Health. 72 Oct(10) [2018], 940-3.

Wijga, AH, Mohnen, SM, Vonk, JM, & Uiters, E.

“DNA methylation in childhood asthma: an epigenome-wide meta-analysis”. Lancet Respir Med. 6(5) [2018], 379-88.

Xu, C-J, Söderhäll, C, Bustamante, M, Baïz, N, Gruzieva, O, Gehring, U, Mason, D, Chatzi, L, Basterrechea, M, Llop, S, Torrent, M, Forastiere, F, Fantini, MP, Carlsen, KCL, Haahtela, T, Morin, A, Kerkhof, M, Merid, SK, van Rijkom, B, Jankipersadsing, SA, Bonder, MJ, Ballereau, S, Vermeulen, CJ, Aguirre-Gamboa, R, de Jongste, JC, Smit, HA, Kumar, A, Pershagen, G, Guerra, S, Garcia-Aymerich, J, Greco, D, Reinius, L, McEachan, RRC, Azad, R, Hovland, V, Mowinckel, P, Alenius, H, Fyhrquist, N, Lemonnier, N, Pellet, J, Auffray, C, BIOS Consortium, van der Vlies, P, van Diemen, CC, Li, Y, Wijmenga, C, Netea, MG, Moffatt, MF, Cookson, WOCM, Anto, JM, Bousquet, J, Laatikainen, T, Laprise, C, Carlsen, K-H, Gori, D, Porta, D, Iñiguez, C, Bilbao, JR, Kogevinas, M, Wright, J, Brunekreef, B, Kere, J, Nawijn, MC, Annesi-Maesano, I, Sunyer, J, Melén, E & Koppelman, GH.

“TRPA1 gene polymorphisms and childhood asthma”. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 28(2) [2017], 191-198.

Gallo, V, Dijk, FN, Holloway, JW, Ring, SM, Koppelman, GH, Postma, DS, Strachan, DP, Granell, R, de Jongste, JC, Jaddoe, VWV, den Dekker, HT, Duijts, L, Henderson, AJ & Shaheen, SO.

“Giorgis-Allemand et al. Respond to ‘Ambient Environment and Preterm Birth'”. Am. J. Epidemiol. 185(4) [2017], 262-263.

Giorgis-Allemand, L, Pedersen, M, Beelen, RMJ, Gehring, U, Hoek, G, Basagana, X, Nieuwenhuijsen, MJ, Brunekreef, B, Kogevinas, M & Slama, R.

“The Influence of Meteorological Factors and Atmospheric Pollutants on the Risk of Preterm Birth”. Am. J. Epidemiol. 185(4) [2017], 247-258.

Giorgis-Allemand, L, Pedersen, M, Bernard, C, Aguilera, I, Beelen, RMJ, Chatzi, L, Cirach, M, Danileviciute, A, Dedele, A, van Eijsden, M, Estarlich, M, Fernández-Somoano, A, Fernández, MF, Forastiere, F, Gehring, U, Grazuleviciene, R, Gruzieva, O, Heude, B, Hoek, G, de Hoogh, K, van den Hooven, EH, Håberg, SE, Iñiguez, C, Jaddoe, VWV, Korek, M, Lertxundi, A, Lepeule, J, Nafstad, P, Nystad, W, Patelarou, E, Porta, D, Postma, D, Raaschou-Nielsen, O, Rudnai, P, Siroux, V, Sunyer, J, Stephanou, E, Sørensen, M, Eriksen, KT, Tuffnell, D, Varró, MJ, Vrijkotte, TGM, Wijga, A, Wright, J, Nieuwenhuijsen, MJ, Pershagen, G, Brunekreef, B, Kogevinas, M & Slama, R.

“Genome-Wide Interaction Analysis of Air Pollution Exposure and Childhood Asthma with Functional Follow-up”. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 195 May(10) [2017], 1373-83.

Gref, A, Merid, SK, Gruzieva, O, Ballereau, S, Becker, A, Bellander, T, Bergström, A, Bossé, Y, Bottai, M, Chan-Yeung, M, Fuertes, E, Ierodiakonou, D, Jiang, R, Joly, S, Jones, M, Kobor, MS, Korek, M, Kozyrskyj, AL, Kumar, A, Lemonnier, N, MacIntyre, E, Ménard, C, Nickle, D, Obeidat, M, Pellet, J, Standl, M, Sääf, A, Söderhäll, C, Tiesler, CMT, van den Berge, M, Vonk, JM, Vora, H, Xu, C-J, Antó, JM, Auffray, C, Brauer, M, Bousquet, J, Brunekreef, B, Gauderman, WJ, Heinrich, J, Kere, J, Koppelman, GH, Postma, D, Carlsten, C, Pershagen, G & Melén, E.

“Epigenome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Methylation in Children Related to Prenatal NO2 Air Pollution Exposure”. Environ. Health Perspect 125(1) [2017], 104-110

Gruzieva, O, Xu, C-J, Breton, CV, Annesi-Maesano, I, Antó, JM, Auffray, C, Ballereau, S, Bellander, T, Bousquet, J, Bustamante, M, Charles, M-A, de Kluizenaar, Y, den Dekker, HT, Duijts, L, Felix, JF, Gehring, U, Guxens, M, Jaddoe, VVW, Jankipersadsing, SA, Merid, SK, Kere, J, Kumar, A, Lemonnier, N, Lepeule, J, Nystad, W, Page, CM, Panasevich, S, Postma, D, Slama, R, Sunyer, J, Söderhäll, C, Yao, J, London, SJ, Pershagen, G, Koppelman, GH & Melén, E.

“Joint Association of Long-term Exposure to Both O3 and NO2 with Children’s Respiratory Health”. Epidemiology 28(1) [2017], e7-e9.

Janssen, NAH, Hoek, G, Fischer, PH, Wijga, AH, Koppelman, G, de Jongste, JJ, Brunekreef, B. & Gehring, U.

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Koppelman, GH & Gehring, U.

“Lifetime secondhand smoke exposure and childhood and adolescent asthma: findings from the PIAMA cohort”. Environ Health 16(1) [2017], 14.

Milanzi, EB, Brunekreef, B, Koppelman, GH, Wijga, AH, van Rossem, L, Vonk, JM, Smit, HA & Gehring, U.

“Increased risk of asthma in overweight children born large for gestational age”. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 47(8) [2017], 1050-6.

Pinto, LA, Guerra, S, Anto, JM, Postma, D, Koppelman, GH, de Jongste, JC, Gehring, U, Smit, HA, & Wijga, AH.

“Maternal BMI at the start of pregnancy and offspring epigenome-wide DNA methylation: findings from the pregnancy and childhood epigenetics (PACE) consortium”. Hum Mol Genet. 26 Oct(20) [2017], 4067-85.

Sharp, GC, Salas, LA, Monnereau, C, Allard, C, Yousefi, P, Everson, TM, Bohlin, J, Xu, Z, Huang, R-C, Reese, SE, Xu, C-J, Baïz, N, Hoyo, C, Agha, G, Roy, R, Holloway, JW, Ghantous, A, Merid, SK, Bakulski, KM, Küpers, LK, Zhang, H, Richmond, RC, Page, CM, Duijts, L, Lie, RT, Melton, PE, Vonk, JM, Nohr, EA, Williams-DeVane, C, Huen, K, Rifas-Shiman, SL, Ruiz-Arenas, C, Gonseth, S, Rezwan, FI, Herceg, Z, Ekström, S, Croen, L, Falahi, F, Perron, P, Karagas, MR, Quraishi, BM, Suderman, M, Magnus, MC, Jaddoe, VWV, Taylor, JA, Anderson, D, Zhao, S, Smit, HA, Josey, MJ, Bradman, A, Baccarelli, AA, Bustamante, M, Håberg, SE, Pershagen, G, Hertz-Picciotto, I, Newschaffer, C, Corpeleijn, E, Bouchard, L, Lawlor, DA, Maguire, RL, Barcellos, LF, Davey Smith, G, Eskenazi, B, Karmaus, W, Marsit, CJ, Hivert, M-F, Snieder, H, Fallin, MD, Melén, E, Munthe-Kaas, MC, Arshad, H, Wiemels, JL, Annesi-Maesano, I, Vrijheid, M, Oken, E, Holland, N, Murphy, SK, Sørensen, TIA, Koppelman, GH, Newnham, JP, Wilcox, AJ, Nystad, W, London, SJ, Felix, JF & Relton, CL.

“Fish and seafood consumption during pregnancy and the risk of asthma and allergic rhinitis in childhood: a pooled analysis of 18 European and US birth cohorts”. Int J Epidemiol. 46 Oct(5) [2017], 1465-77.

Stratakis, N, Roumeliotaki, T, Oken, E, Ballester, F, Barros, H, Basterrechea, M, Cordier, S, de Groot, R, den Dekker, HT, Duijts, L, Eggesbø, M, Pia Fantini, M, Forastiere, F, Gehring, U, Gielen, M, Gori, D, Govarts, E, Inskip, HM, Iszatt, N, Jansen, M, Kelleher, C, Mehegan, J, Moltó-Puigmartí, C, Mommers, M, Oliveira, A, Olsen, SF, Pelé, F, Pizzi, C, Porta, D, Richiardi, L, Rifas-Shiman, SL, Robinson, SM, Schoeters, G, Strøm, M, Sunyer, J, Thijs, C, Vrijheid, M, Vrijkotte, TGM, Wijga, AH, Kogevinas, M, Zeegers, MP & Chatzi, L.

“Asthma diagnosis in a child and cessation of smoking in the child’s home: the PIAMA birth cohort”. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 27(5) [2017], 521-5.

Wijga, AH, Schipper, M, Brunekreef, B, Koppelman, GH & Gehring, U.

“The emerging landscape of dynamic DNA methylation in early childhood”. BMC Genomics 18(1) [2017], 25.

Xu, C-J, Bonder, M., J, Söderhäll, C, Bustamante, M, Baïz, N, Gehring, U, Jankipersadsing, SA, van der Vlies, P, van Diemen, CC, van Rijkom, B, Just, J, Kull, I, Kere, J, Antó, JM, Bousquet, J, Zhernakova, A, Wijmenga, C, Annesi-Maesano, I, Sunyer, J, Melén, E, Li, Y, Postma, DS & Koppelman, GH.

“Overweight patterns throughout childhood and cardiometabolic markers in early adolescence”. Int J Obes (Lond) 40(1) [2016], 58-64.

Berentzen, NE, van Rossem, L, Gehring, U, Koppelman, GH, Postma, DS, de Jongste, JC, Smit, HA & Wijga, AH.

“Family history of myocardial infarction, stroke and diabetes and cardiometabolic markers in children”. Diabetologia 59(8) [2016], 1666-1674.

Berentzen, NE, Wijga, AH, van Rossem, L, Koppelman, GH, van Nieuwenhuizen, B, Gehring, U, Spijkerman, AMW & Smit, HA.

“Fatty acid composition in breastfeeding and school performance in children aged 12 years”. Eur J Nutr 55(7) [2016], 2199-2207.

Dalmeijer, GW, Wijga, AH, Gehring, U, Renders, CM, Koppelman, GH, Smit, HA & van Rossem, L.

“Early growth characteristics and the risk of reduced lung function and asthma: A meta-analysis of 25,000 children”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 137(4) [2016], 1026-1035.

den Dekker, HT, Sonnenschein-van der Voort, AMM, de Jongste, JC, Anessi-Maesano, I, Arshad, SH, Barros, H, Beardsmore, CS, Bisgaard, H, Phar, SC, Craig, L, Devereux, G, van der Ent, CK, Esplugues, A, Fantini, MP, Flexeder, C, Frey, U, Forastiere, F, Gehring, U, Gori, D, van der Gugten, AC, Henderson, AJ, Heude, B, Ibarluzea, J, Inskip, HM, Keil, T, Kogevinas, M, Kreiner-Møller, E, Kuehni, CE, Lau, S, Mélen, E, Mommers, M, Morales, E, Penders, J, Pike, KC, Porta, D, Reiss, IK, Roberts, G, Schmidt, A, Schultz, ES, Schulz, H, Sunyer, J, Torrent, M, Vassilaki, M, Wijga, AH, Zabaleta, C, Jaddoe, VWV & Duijts, L.

“Genome-wide association analysis identifies three new susceptibility loci for childhood body mass index”. Hum. Mol. Genet. 25(2) [2016], 389-403.

Felix, JF, Bradfield, JP, Monnereau, C, van der Valk, RJP, Stergiakouli, E, Chesi, A, Gaillard, R, Feenstra, B, Thiering, E, Kreiner-Møller, E, Mahajan, A, Pitkänen, N, Joro, R, Cavadino, A, Huikari, V, Franks, S, Groen-Blokhuis, MM, Cousminer, DL, Marsh, JA, Lehtimäki, T, Curtin, JA, Vioque, J, Ahluwalia, TS, Myhre, R, Price, TS, Vilor-Tejedor, N, Yengo, L, Grarup, N, Ntalla, I, Ang, W, Atalay, M, Bisgaard, H, Blakemore, AI, Bonnefond, A, Carstensen, L, Bone Mineral Density in Childhood Study (BMDCS), Early Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) consortium, Eriksson, J, Flexeder, C, Franke, L, Geller, F, Geserick, M, Hartikainen, A-L, Haworth, CMA, Hirschhorn, JN, Hofman, A, Holm, J-C, Horikoshi, M, Hottenga, JJ, Huang, J, Kadarmideen, HN, Kähönen, M, Kiess, W, Lakka, H-M, Lakka, TA, Lewin, AM, Liang, L, Lyytikäinen, L-P, Ma, B, Magnus, P, McCormack, SE, McMahon, G, Mentch, FD, Middeldorp, CM, Murray, CS, Pahkala, K, Pers, TH, Pfäffle, R, Postma, DS, Power, C, Simpson, A, Sengpiel, V, Tiesler, CMT, Torrent, M, Uitterlinden, AG, van Meurs, JB, Vinding, R, Waage, J, Wardle, J, Zeggini, E, Zemel, BS, Dedoussis, GV, Pedersen, O, Froguel, P, Sunyer, J, Plomin, R, Jacobsson, B, Hansen, T, Gonzalez, JR, Custovic, A, Raitakari, OT, Pennell, CE, Widén, E, Boomsma, DI, Koppelman, GH, Sebert, S, Järvelin, M-R, Hyppönen, E, McCarthy, MI, Lindi, V, Harri, N, Körner, A, Bønnelykke, K, Heinrich, J, Melbye, M, Rivadeneira, F, Hakonarson, H, Ring, SM, Smith, GD, Sørensen, TIA, Timpson, NJ, Grant, SFA, Jaddoe, VWV, Early Growth Genetics (EGG) Consortium & Bone Mineral Density in Childhood Study BMDCS.

“Residential greenness is differentially associated with childhood allergic rhinitis and aeroallergen sensitization in seven birth cohorts”. Allergy. 71(10) [2016], 1461-71.

Fuertes, E, Markevych, I, Bowatte, G, Gruzieva, O, Gehring, U, Becker, A, Berdel, D, von Berg, A, Bergström, A, Brauer, M, Brunekreef, B, Brüske, I, Carlsten, C, Chan-Yeung, M, Dharmage, SC, Hoffmann, B, Klümper, C, Koppelman, GH, Kozyrskyj, A, Korek, M, Kull, I, Lodge, C, Lowe, A, MacIntyre, E, Pershagen, G, Standl, M, Sugiri, D, Wijga, A, MACS & Heinrich, J.

“DNA Methylation in Newborns and Maternal Smoking in Pregnancy: Genome-wide Consortium Meta-analysis”. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 98(4) [2016], 680-696.

Joubert, BR, Felix, JF, Yousefi, P, Bakulski, KM, Just, AC, Breton, C, Reese, SE, Markunas, CA, Richmond, RC, Xu, C-J, Küpers, LK, Oh, SS, Hoyo, C, Gruzieva, O, Söderhäll, C, Salas, LA, Baïz, N, Zhang, H, Lepeule, J, Ruiz, C, Ligthart, S, Wang, T, Taylor, JA, Duijts, L, Sharp, GC, Jankipersadsing, SA, Nilsen, RM, Vaez, A, Fallin, MD, Hu, D, Litonjua, AA, Fuemmeler, BF, Huen, K, Kere, J, Kull, I, Munthe-Kaas, MC, Gehring, U, Bustamante, M, Saurel-Coubizolles, MJ, Quraishi, BM, Ren, J, Tost, J, Gonzalez, JR, Peters, MJ, Håberg, SE, Xu, Z, van Meurs, JB, Gaunt, TR, Kerkhof, M, Corpeleijn, E, Feinberg, AP, Eng, C, Baccarelli, AA, Benjamin Neelon, SE, Bradman, A, Merid, SK, Bergström, A, Herceg, Z, Hernandez-Vargas, H, Brunekreef, B, Pinart, M, Heude, B, Ewart, S, Yao, J, Lemonnier, N, Franco, OH, Wu, MC, Hofman, A, McArdle, W, Van der Vlies, P, Falahi, F, Gillman, MW, Barcellos, LF, Kumar, A, Wickman, M, Guerra, S, Charles, M-A, Holloway, J, Auffray, C, Tiemeier, HW, Smith, GD, Postma, D, Hivert, M-F, Eskenazi, B, Vrijheid, M, Arshad, H, Antó, JM, Dehghan, A, Karmaus, W, Annesi-Maesano, I, Sunyer, J, Ghantous, A, Pershagen, G, Holland, N, Murphy, SK, DeMeo, DL, Burchard, EG, Ladd-Acosta, C, Snieder, H, Nystad, W, Koppelman, GH, Relton, CL, Jaddoe, VWV, Wilcox, A, Melén, E. & London, SJ.

“Prediction of Preadolescent Overweight and Poor Cardiometabolic Outcome in Children up to 6 Years of Age: Research Protocol”. JMIR Res Protoc 5(2) [2016], e85.

de Kroon, ML, Wijga, A, Vergouwe, Y, Heijmans, MW, Jaddoe, VW, Twisk, JW & Raat, H.

“Association of season of birth with DNA methylation and allergic disease”. Allergy. 71(9) [2016], 1314-24.

Lockett, GA, Soto-Ramírez, N, Ray, MA, Everson, TM, Xu, C-J, Patil, VK, Terry, W, Kaushal, A, Rezwan, FI, Ewart, SL, Gehring, U, Postma, DS, Koppelman, GH, Arshad, SH, Zhang, H, Karmaus, W & Holloway, JW.

“Elemental Constituents of Particulate Matter and Newborn’s Size in Eight European Cohorts”. Environ. Health Perspect. 124(1) [2016], 141-150.

Pedersen, M, Gehring, U, Beelen, R, Wang, M, Giorgis-Allemand, L, Andersen, A-MN, Basagaña, X, Bernard, C, Cirach, M, Forastiere, F, de Hoogh, K, Grazulevicviene, R, Gruzieva, O, Hoek, G, Jedynska, A, Klümper, C, Kooter, IM, Krämer, U, Kukkonen, J, Porta, D, Postma, DS, Raaschou-Nielsen, O, van Rossem, L, Sunyer, J, Sørensen, M, Tsai, M-Y, Vrijkotte, TGM, Wilhelm, M, Nieuwenhuijsen, MJ, Pershagen, G, Brunekreef, B, Kogevinas, M. & Slama, R.

“Musculoskeletal complaints while growing up from age 11 to age 14: the PIAMA birth cohort study”. Pain 157(12) [2016], 2826-2833.

Picavet, HSJ, Berentzen, N, Scheuer, N, Ostelo, RWJG, Brunekreef, B, Smit, HA & Wijga, A.

“Cesarean Delivery, Overweight throughout Childhood, and Blood Pressure in Adolescence”. J. Pediatr. 179 [2016], 111-117.e3.

Pluymen, LPM, Smit, HA, Wijga, AH, Gehring, U, De Jongste, JC & van Rossem, L.

“Doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 1 (DMRT1) is a sex-specific genetic determinant of childhood-onset asthma and is expressed in testis and macrophages”. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 138(2) [2016], 421-31.

Schieck, M, Schouten, JP, Michel, S, Suttner, K, Toncheva, AA, Gaertner, VD, Illig, T, Lipinski, S, Franke, A, Klintschar, M, Kalayci, O, Sahiner, UM, Birben, E, Melén, E, Pershagen, G, Freidin, MB, Ogorodova, LM, Granell, R, Henderson, J, Brunekreef, B, Smit, HA, Vogelberg, C, von Berg, A, Bufe, A, Heinzmann, A, Laub, O, Rietschel, E, Simma, B, Genuneit, J, Jonigk, D, Postma, DS, Koppelman, GH, Vonk, JM, Timens, W, Boezen, HM & Kabesch, M.

“Fish Intake in Pregnancy and Child Growth: A Pooled Analysis of 15 European and US Birth Cohorts.”. JAMA Pediatr 170(4) [2016], 381-390.

Stratakis, N, Roumeliotaki, T, Oken, E, Barros, H, Basterrechea, M, Charles, M-A, Eggesbø, M, Forastiere, F, Gaillard, R, Gehring, U, Govarts, E, Hanke, W, Heude, B, Iszatt, N, Jaddoe, VW, Kelleher, C, Mommers, M, Murcia, M, Oliveira, A, Pizzi, C, Polanska, K, Porta, D, Richiardi, L, Rifas-Shiman, SL, Schoeters, G, Sunyer, J, Thijs, C, Viljoen, K, Vrijheid, M, Vrijkotte, TGM, Wijga, AH, Zeegers, MP, Kogevinas, M & Chatzi, L.

“Maternal fish consumption during pregnancy and BMI in children from birth up to age 14 years: the PIAMA cohort study”. Eur J Nutr 55 2 [2016], 799-808.

van den Berg, SW, Wijga, AH, van Rossem, L, Gehring, U, Koppelman, GH, Smit, HA & Boer, JMA.

“Health-Related Factors Associated with Discrepancies between Children’s Potential and Attained Secondary School Level: A Longitudinal Study”. PLoS ONE 11(12) [2016], e0168110.

van der Heide, I, Gehring, U, Koppelman, GH & Wijga, AH.

“The independent role of prenatal and postnatal exposure to active and passive smoking on the development of early wheeze in children.”. Eur. Respir. J. 48(1) [2016], 115-124.

Vardavas, CI, Hohmann, C, Patelarou, E, Martinez, D, Henderson, AJ, Granell, R, Sunyer, J, Torrent, M, Fantini, MP, Gori, D, Annesi-Maesano, I, Slama, R, Duijts, L, de Jongste, JC, Aurrekoetxea, JJ, Basterrechea, M, Morales, E, Ballester, F, Murcia, M, Thijs, C, Mommers, M, Kuehni, CE, Gaillard, EA, Tischer, C, Heinrich, J, Pizzi, C, Zugna, D, Gehring, U, Wijga, A, Chatzi, L, Vassilaki, M, Bergström, A, Eller, E, Lau, S, Keil, T, Nieuwenhuijsen, M & Kogevinas, M.

“A New Technique for Evaluating Land-use Regression Models and Their Impact on Health Effect Estimates”. Epidemiology 27(1) [2016], 51-56.

Wang, M, Brunekreef, B, Gehring, U, Szpiro, A, Hoek, G & Beelen, R.

“Children’s respiratory health and oxidative potential of PM2.5: the PIAMA birth cohort study”. Occup. Environ. Med. 73(3) [2016], 154-160.

Yang, A, Janssen, NAH, Brunekreef, B, Cassee, FR, Hoek, G & Gehring, U.

“BMI, waist circumference at 8 and 12 years of age and FVC and FEV1 at 12 years of age; the PIAMA birth cohort study”. BMC Pulm Med 15(1) [2015], 39.

Bekkers, MB, Wijga, AH, Gehring, U, Koppelman, GH, de Jongste, JC, Smit, HA & Brunekreef, B.

“Associations of sugar-containing beverages with asthma prevalence in 11-year-old children: the PIAMA birth cohort”. Eur J Clin Nutr 69(3) [2015], 303-308.

Berentzen, NE, van Stokkom, VL, Gehring, U, Koppelman, GH, Schaap, LA, Smit, HA & Wijga, AH.

“Associations between particulate matter composition and childhood blood pressure – The PIAMA study”. Environ Int 84 [2015], 1-6.

Bilenko, N, Brunekreef, B, Beelen, R, Eeftens, M, de Hoogh, K, Hoek, G, Koppelman, GH, Wang, M, van Rossem, L & Gehring, U.

“Traffic-related air pollution and noise and children’s blood pressure: results from the PIAMA birth cohort study”. Eur J Prev Cardiol 22(1) [2015], 4-12.

Bilenko, N, van Rossem, L, Brunekreef, B, Beelen, R, Eeftens, M, Hoek, G, Houthuijs, D, de Jongste, JC, van Kempen, E, Koppelman, GH, Meliefste, K, Oldenwening, M, Smit, HA, Wijga, AH & Gehring, U.

“Nocturnal dry cough in the first 7 years of life is associated with asthma at school age”. Pediatr. Pulmonol 50(9) [2015], 848-855.

Boudewijn, IM, Savenije, OEM, Koppelman, GH, Wijga, AH, Smit, HA, de Jongste, JC, Gehring, U, Postma, DS & Kerkhof, M.

“Early-life house dust mite allergens, childhood mite sensitization, and respiratory outcomes”. Allergy 70(7) [2015], 820-827.

Casas, L, Sunyer, J, Tischer, C, Gehring, U, Wickman, M, Garcia-Esteban, R, Lehmann, I, Kull, I, Reich, A, Lau, S, Wijga, A, Antó, JM, Nawrot, TS, Heinrich, J, Keil, T & Torrent, M.

“Reply to Letter to the editor, Early-life house dust mite allergens, childhood mite sensitization, and respiratory outcomes”. Allergy 70(9) [2015], 1190-1191.

Casas, L, Sunyer, J, Tischer, C, Gehring, U, Wickman, M, Garcia-Esteban, R, Lehmann, I, Kull, I, Reich, A, Lau, S, Wijga, A, Antó, JM, Nawrot, TS, Heinrich, J, Keil, T & Torrent, M.

“Associations between the 17q21 region and allergic rhinitis in 5 birth cohorts”. J Allergy Clin. Immunol. 135(2) [2015], 573-576.

Fuertes, E, Söderhäll, C, Acevedo, N, Becker, A, Brauer, M, Chan-Yeung, M, Dijk, FN, Heinrich, J, de Jongste, J, Koppelman, GH, Postma, DS, Kere, J, Kozyrskyj, AL, Pershagen, G, Sandford, A, Standl, M, Tiesler, CMT, Waldenberger, M, Westman, M, Carlsten, C & Melén, E.

“Phenotyping asthma, rhinitis and eczema in MeDALL population-based birth cohorts: an allergic comorbidity cluster”. Allergy 70(8) [2015], 973-984.

Garcia-Aymerich, J, Benet, M, Saeys, Y, Pinart, M, Basagaña, X, Smit, HA, Siroux, V, Just, J, Momas, I, Rancière, F, Keil, T, Hohmann, C, Lau, S, Wahn, U, Heinrich, J, Tischer, CG, Fantini, MP, Lenzi, J, Porta, D, Koppelman, GH, Postma, DS, Berdel, D, Koletzko, S, Kerkhof, M, Gehring, U, Wickman, M, Melén, E, Hallberg, J, Bindslev-Jensen, C, Eller, E, Kull, I, Lødrup Carlsen, KC, Carlsen, K-H, Lambrecht, BN, Kogevinas, M, Sunyer, J, Kauffmann, F, Bousquet, J & Antó, JM.

“Particulate matter composition and respiratory health: the PIAMA Birth Cohort study”. Epidemiology 26(3) [2015], 300-309.

Gehring, U, Beelen, R, Eeftens, M, Hoek, G, de Hoogh, K, de Jongste, JC, Keuken, M, Koppelman, GH, Meliefste, K, Oldenwening, M, Postma, DS, van Rossem, L, Wang, M, Smit, HA & Brunekreef, B.

“Exposure to air pollution and development of asthma and rhinoconjunctivitis throughout childhood and adolescence: a population-based birth cohort study”. Lancet Respir Med 3(12) [2015], 933-942.

Gehring, U, Wijga, AH, Hoek, G, Bellander, T, Berdel, D, Brüske, I, Fuertes, E, Gruzieva, O, Heinrich, J, Hoffmann, B, de Jongste, JC, Klümper, C, Koppelman, GH, Korek, M, Krämer, U, Maier, D, Melén, E, Pershagen, G, Postma, DS, Standl, M, von Berg, A, Anto, JM, Bousquet, J, Keil, T, Smit, HA & Brunekreef, B.

“Difference in the breast milk proteome between allergic and non-allergic mothers”. PLoS ONE 10(3) [2015], e0122234.

Hettinga, KA, Reina, FM, Boeren, S, Zhang, L, Koppelman, GH, Postma, DS, Vervoort, JJM & Wijga, AH.

“Change in HbA1c levels between the age of 8 years and the age of 12 years in Dutch children without diabetes: the PIAMA birth cohort study”. PLoS ONE 10(4) [2015], e0119615.

Jansen, H, Wijga, AH, Scholtens, S, Koppelman, GH, Postma, DS, Brunekreef, B, de Jongste, JC, Smit, HA & Stolk, RP.

“Meta-analysis identifies seven susceptibility loci involved in the atopic march”. Nat Commun 6 [2015], 8804.

Marenholz, I, Esparza-Gordillo, J, Rüschendorf, F, Bauerfeind, A, Strachan, DP, Spycher, BD, Baurecht, H, Margaritte-Jeannin, P, Sääf, A, Kerkhof, M, Ege, M, Baltic, S, Matheson, MC, Li, J, Michel, S, Ang, WQ, McArdle, W, Arnold, A, Homuth, G, Demenais, F, Bouzigon, E, Söderhäll, C, Pershagen, G, de Jongste, JC, Postma, DS, Braun-Fahrländer, C, Horak, E, Ogorodova, LM, Puzyrev, VP, Bragina, EY, Hudson, TJ, Morin, C, Duffy, DL, Marks, GB, Robertson, CF, Montgomery, GW, Musk, B, Thompson, PJ, Martin, NG, James, A, Sleiman, P, Toskala, E, Rodriguez, E, Fölster-Holst, R, Franke, A, Lieb, W, Gieger, C, Heinzmann, A, Rietschel, E, Keil, T, Cichon, S, Nöthen, MM, Pennell, CE, Sly, PD, Schmidt, CO, Matanovic, A, Schneider, V, Heinig, M, Hübner, N, Holt, PG, Lau, S, Kabesch, M, Weidinger, S, Hakonarson, H, Ferreira, MAR, Laprise, C, Freidin, MB, Genuneit, J, Koppelman, GH, Melén, E, Dizier, M-H, Henderson, AJ & Lee, YA.

“A multicentre study of air pollution exposure and childhood asthma prevalence: the ESCAPE project”. Eur. Respir. J. 45(3) [2015], 610-624.

Mölter, A, Simpson, A, Berdel, D, Brunekreef, B, Custovic, A, Cyrys, J, de Jongste, J, de Vocht, F, Fuertes, E, Gehring, U, Gruzieva, O, Heinrich, J, Hoek, G, Hoffmann, B, Klümper, C, Korek, M, Kuhlbusch, TAJ, Lindley, S, Postma, D, Tischer, C, Wijga, A, Pershagen, G & Agius, R.

“Multi-ancestry genome-wide association study of 21,000 cases and 95,000 controls identifies new risk loci for atopic dermatitis”. Nat. Genet. 47(12) [2015], 1449-1456.

Paternoster, L, Standl, M, Waage, J, Baurecht, H, Hotze, M, Strachan, DP, Curtin, JA, Bønnelykke, K, Tian, C, Takahashi, A, Esparza-Gordillo, J, Alves, AC, Thyssen, JP, den Dekker, HT, Ferreira, MA, Altmaier, E, Sleiman, PMA, Xiao, FL, Gonzalez, JR, Marenholz, I, Kalb, B, Pino-Yanes, M, Xu, C-J, Carstensen, L, Groen-Blokhuis, MM, Venturini, C, Pennell, CE, Barton, SJ, Levin, AM, Curjuric, I, Bustamante, M, Kreiner-Møller, E, Lockett, GA, Bacelis, J, Bunyavanich, S, Myers, RA, Matanovic, A, Kumar, A, Tung, JY, Hirota, T, Kubo, M, McArdle, WL, Henderson, AJ, Kemp, JP, Zheng, J, Smith, GD, Rüschendorf, F, Bauerfeind, A, Lee-Kirsch, MA, Arnold, A, Homuth, G, Schmidt, CO, Mangold, E, Cichon, S, Keil, T, Rodríguez, E, Peters, A, Franke, A, Lieb, W, Novak, N, Fölster-Holst, R, Horikoshi, M, Pekkanen, J, Sebert, S, Husemoen, LL, Grarup, N, de Jongste, JC, Rivadeneira, F, Hofman, A, Jaddoe, VWV, Pasmans, SG MA, Elbert, NJ, Uitterlinden, AG, Marks, GB, Thompson, PJ, Matheson, MC, Robertson, CF, Australian Asthma Genetics Consortium (AAGC), Ried, JS, Li, J, Zuo, XB, Zheng, XD, Yin, XY, Sun, LD, McAleer, MA, O’Regan, GM, Fahy, CMR, Campbell, LE, Macek, M, Kurek, M, Hu, D, Eng, C, Postma, DS, Feenstra, B, Geller, F, Hottenga, JJ, Middeldorp, CM, Hysi, P, Bataille, V, Spector, T, Tiesler, CMT, Thiering, E, Pahukasahasram, B, Yang, JJ, Imboden, M, Huntsman, S, Vilor-Tejedor, N, Relton, CL, Myhre, R, Nystad, W, Custovic, A, Weiss, ST, Meyers, DA, Söderhäll, C, Melén, E, Ober, C, Raby, BA, Simpson, A, Jacobsson, B, Holloway, JW, Bisgaard, H, Sunyer, J, Probst-Hensch, NM, Williams, LK, Godfrey, KM, Wang, CA, Boomsma, DI, Melbye, M, Koppelman, GH, Jarvis, D, McLean, WHI, Irvine, AD, Zhang, XJ, Hakonarson, H, Gieger, C, Burchard, EG, Martin, NG, Duijts, L, Linneberg, A, Jarvelin, M-R, Nöthen, MM, Lau, S, Hübner, N, Lee, Y-A, Tamari, M, Hinds, DA, Glass, D, Brown, SJ, Heinrich, J, Evans, DM, Weidinger, S & EArly Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) Eczema Consortium.

“Revisiting the Dutch hypothesis”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 136(3) [2015], 521-529.

Postma, DS, Weiss, ST, van den Berge, M, Kerstjens, HAM & Koppelman, GH.

“Exploring educational disparities in risk of preterm delivery: a comparative study of 12 European birth cohorts”. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 29(3) [2015], 172-183.

Poulsen, G, Strandberg-Larsen, K, Mortensen, L, Barros, H, Cordier, S, Correia, S, Danileviciute, A, van Eijsden, M, Fernández-Somoano, A, Gehring, U, Grazuleviciene, R, Hafkamp-de Groen, E, Henriksen, TB, Jensen, MS, Larrañaga, I, Magnus, P, Pickett, K, Raat, H, Richiardi, L, Rouget, F, Rusconi, F, Stoltenberg, C, Uphoff, EP, Vrijkotte, TGM, Wijga, AH, Vrijheid, M, Osler, M & Andersen, A-MN.

“School Performance: A Matter of Health or Socio-Economic Background? Findings from the PIAMA Birth Cohort Study”. PLoS ONE 10(8) [2015], e0134780.

Ruijsbroek, A, Wijga, AH, Gehring, U, Kerkhof, M & Droomers, M.

“Early exposure to bio-contaminants and asthma up to 10 years of age: results of the HITEA study”. Eur. Respir. J. 45(2) [2015], 328-337.

Tischer, C, Casas, L, Wouters, IM, Doekes, G, Garcia-Esteban, R, Gehring, U, Hyvärinen, A, Oldenwening, M, Kerkhof, M, Sunyer, J, Standl, M, Thiering, E, Torrent, M, Heinrich, J & HITEA study group.

“A novel common variant in DCST2 is associated with length in early life and height in adulthood”. Hum. Mol. Genet. 24(4) [2015], 1155-1168.

van der Valk, RJP, Kreiner-Møller, E, Kooijman, MN, Guxens, M, Stergiakouli, E, Sääf, A, Bradfield, JP, Geller, F, Hayes, MG, Cousminer, DL, Körner, A, Thiering, E, Curtin, JA, Myhre, R, Huikari, V, Joro, R, Kerkhof, M, Warrington, NM, Pitkänen, N, Ntalla, I, Horikoshi, M, Veijola, R, Freathy, RM, Teo, Y-Y, Barton, SJ, Evans, DM, Kemp, JP, St Pourcain, B, Ring, SM, Davey Smith, G, Bergström, A, Kull, I, Hakonarson, H, Mentch, FD, Bisgaard, H, Chawes, B, Stokholm, J, Waage, J, Eriksen, P, Sevelsted, A, Melbye, M, Early Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) Consortium, van Duijn, CM, Medina-Gomez, C, Hofman, A, de Jongste, JC, Taal, HR, Uitterlinden, AG, Genetic Investigation of ANthropometric Traits (GIANT) Consortium, Armstrong, LL, Eriksson, J, Palotie, A, Bustamante, M, Estivill, X, Gonzalez, JR, Llop, S, Kiess, W, Mahajan, A, Flexeder, C, Tiesler, CMT, Murray, CS, Simpson, A, Magnus, P, Sengpiel, V, Hartikainen, A-L, Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi, S, Lewin, A, Da Silva Couto Alves, A, Blakemore, AI, Buxton, JL, Kaakinen, M, Rodriguez, A, Sebert, S, Vaarasmaki, M, Lakka, T, Lindi, V, Gehring, U, Postma, DS, Ang, W, Newnham, JP, Lyytikäinen, L-P, Pahkala, K, Raitakari, OT, Panoutsopoulou, K, Zeggini, E, Boomsma, DI, Groen-Blokhuis, M, Ilonen, J, Franke, L, Hirschhorn, JN, Pers, TH, Liang, L, Huang, J, Hocher, B, Knip, M, Saw, S-M, Holloway, JW, Melén, E, Grant, SFA, Feenstra, B, Lowe, WL, Widén, E, Sergeyev, E, Grallert, H, Custovic, A, Jacobsson, B, Jarvelin, M-R, Atalay, M, Koppelman, GH, Pennell, CE, Niinikoski, H, Dedoussis, GV, Mccarthy, MI, Frayling, TM, Sunyer, J, Timpson, NJ, Rivadeneira, F, Bønnelykke, K, Jaddoe, VWV & Early Growth Genetics (EGG) Consortium.

“Breast milk fatty acid composition has a long-term effect on the risk of asthma, eczema, and sensitization”. Allergy 70(11) [2015], 1468-1476.

van Elten, TM, van Rossem, L, Wijga, AH, Brunekreef, B, de Jongste, JC, Koppelman, GH & Smit, HA.

“Maternal Gestational and Postdelivery Weight Gain and Child Weight”. Pediatrics 136(5) [2015], e1294-1301.

van Rossem, L, Wijga, AH, Gehring, U, Koppelman, GH & Smit, HA.

“ST13 polymorphisms and their effect on exacerbations in steroid-treated asthmatic children and young adults”. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 45(6) [2015], 1051-1059.

Vijverberg, SJH, Koster, ES, Tavendale, R, Leusink, M, Koenderman, L, Raaijmakers, JAM, Postma, DS, Koppelman, GH, Turner, SW, Mukhopadhyay, S, Tse, SM, Tantisira, KG, Hawcutt, D B, Francis, B, Pirmohamed, M, Pino-Yanes, M, Eng, C, Burchard, EG, Palmer, CNA & Maitland-van der Zee, AH.

“Air Pollution and Lung Function in Dutch Children: A Comparison of Exposure Estimates and Associations Based on Land Use Regression and Dispersion Exposure Modeling Approaches”. Environ. Health Perspect. 123(8) [2015], 847-851.

Wang, M, Gehring, U, Hoek, G, Keuken, M, Jonkers, S, Beelen, R, Eeftens, M, Postma, DS & Brunekreef, B.

“Serum Visfatin and Leptin in Relation to Childhood Adiposity and Body Fat Distribution: The PIAMA Birth Cohort Study”. Ann. Nutr. Metab. 66(2-3) [2015], 63-71.

Willers, SM, Brunekreef, B, Abrahamse-Berkeveld, M, van de Heijning, B, van der Beek, E, Postma, DS, Kerkhof, M, Smit, HA & Wijga, AH.

“Spatial Variation and Land Use Regression Modeling of the Oxidative Potential of Fine Particles”. Environ. Health Perspect. 123(11) [2015], 1187-1192.

Yang, A, Wang, M, Eeftens, M, Beelen, R, Dons, E, Leseman, DLAC, Brunekreef, B, Cassee, FR, Janssen, NAH & Hoek, G.

“Screen time, adiposity and cardiometabolic markers: mediation by physical activity, not snacking, among 11-year-old children”. Int J Obes (Lond) 38(10) [2015], 1317-1323.

Berentzen, NE, Smit, HA, van Rossem, L, Gehring, U, Kerkhof, M, Postma, DS, Boshuizen, HC & Wijga, AH.

“Time in bed, sleep quality and associations with cardiometabolic markers in children: the Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy birth cohort study”. J Sleep Res 23(1) [2014], 3-12.

Berentzen, NE, Smit, HA, Bekkers, MBM, Brunekreef, B, Koppelman, GH, De Jongste, JC, Kerkhof, M, van Rossem, L & Wijga, AH.

“Exhaled nitric oxide and wheezing phenotypes”. Pediatr. Pulmonol. 49(1) [2014], 99.

Caudri, D, van der Valk, RJ, de Jongste, JC & Smit, HA.

“Elemental composition of particulate matter and the association with lung function”. Epidemiology 25(5) [2014], 648-657.

Eeftens, M, Hoek, G, Gruzieva, O, Mölter, A, Agius, R, Beelen, R, Brunekreef, B, Custovic, A, Cyrys, J, Fuertes, E, Heinrich, J, Hoffmann, B, de Hoogh, K, Jedynska, A, Keuken, M, Klümper, C, Kooter, I, Krämer, U, Korek, M, Koppelman, GH, Kuhlbusch, TAJ, Simpson, A, Smit, HA, Tsai, M-Y, Wang, M, Wolf, K, Pershagen, G & Gehring, U.

“Associations between particulate matter elements and early-life pneumonia in seven birth cohorts: results from the ESCAPE and TRANSPHORM projects”. Int J Hyg Environ Health 217(8) [2014], 819-829.

Fuertes, E, MacIntyre, E, Agius, R, Beelen, R, Brunekreef, B, Bucci, S, Cesaroni, G, Cirach, M, Cyrys, J, Forastiere, F, Gehring, U, Gruzieva, O, Hoffmann, B, Jedynska, A, Keuken, M, Klümper, C, Kooter, I, Korek, M, Krämer, U, Mölter, A, Nieuwenhuijsen, M, Pershagen, G, Porta, D, Postma, DS, Simpson, A, Smit, HA, Sugiri, D, Sunyer, J, Wang, M & Heinrich, J.

“Meta-analysis of air pollution exposure association with allergic sensitization in European birth cohorts”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 133(3) [2014], 767-776.e7.

Gruzieva, O, Gehring, U, Aalberse, R, Agius, R, Beelen, R, Behrendt, H, Bellander, T, Birk, M, de Jongste, JC, Fuertes, E, Heinrich, J, Hoek, G, Klümper, C, Koppelman, G, Korek, M, Krämer, U, Lindley, S, Mölter, A, Simpson, A, Standl, M, van Hage, M, von Berg, A, Wijga, A, Brunekreef, B & Pershagen, G.

“Comparing land use regression and dispersion modelling to assess residential exposure to ambient air pollution for epidemiological studies”. Environ Int 73 [2014], 382-392.

de Hoogh, K, Korek, M, Vienneau, D, Keuken, M, Kukkonen, J, Nieuwenhuijsen, MJ, Badaloni, C, Beelen, R, Bolignano, A, Cesaroni, G, Pradas, MC, Cyrys, J, Douros, J, Eeftens, M, Forastiere, F, Forsberg, B, Fuks, K, Gehring, U, Gryparis, A, Gulliver, J, Hansell, AL, Hoffmann, B, Johansson, C, Jonkers, S, Kangas, L, Katsouyanni, K, Künzli, N, Lanki, T, Memmesheimer, M, Moussiopoulos, N, Modig, L, Pershagen, G, Probst-Hensch, N, Schindler, C, Schikowski, T, Sugiri, D, Teixidó, O, Tsai, M-Y, Yli-Tuomi, T, Brunekreef, B, Hoek, G & Bellander, T.

“The development of the MeDALL Core Questionnaires for a harmonized follow-up assessment of eleven European birth cohorts on asthma and allergies”. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 163(3) [2014], 215-224.

Hohmann, C, Pinart, M, Tischer, C, Gehring, U, Heinrich, J, Kull, I, Melén, E, Smit, HA, Torrent, M, Wijga, AH, Wickman, M, Bachert, C, Lødrup Carlsen, KC, Carlsen, K-H, Bindslev-Jensen, C, Eller, E, Esplugues, A, Fantini, MP, Annesi-Maesano, I, Momas, I, Porta, D, Vassilaki, M, Waiblinger, D, Sunyer, J, Antó, JM, Bousquet, J, Keil, T & MeDALL Study Group.

“Transient early wheeze and lung function in early childhood associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease genes”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 133(1) [2014], 68-76.e1-4.

Kerkhof, M, Boezen, HM, Granell, R, Wijga, AH, Brunekreef, B, Smit, HA, de Jongste, JC, Thijs, C, Mommers, M, Penders, J, Henderson, J, Koppelman, GH & Postma, DS.

“Fish intake during pregnancy, fetal growth, and gestational length in 19 European birth cohort studies”. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 99(3) [2014], 506-516.

Leventakou, V, Roumeliotaki, T, Martinez, D, Barros, H, Brantsaeter, A-L, Casas, M, Charles, M-A, Cordier, S, Eggesbø, M, van Eijsden, M, Forastiere, F, Gehring, U, Govarts, E, Halldórsson, TI, Hanke, W, Haugen, M, Heppe, DHM, Heude, B, Inskip, HM, Jaddoe, VWV, Jansen, M, Kelleher, C, Meltzer, HM, Merletti, F, Moltó-Puigmartí, C, Mommers, M, Murcia, M, Oliveira, A, Olsen, SF, Pele, F, Polanska, K, Porta, D, Richiardi, L, Robinson, SM, Stigum, H, Strøm, M, Sunyer, J, Thijs, C, Viljoen, K, Vrijkotte, TGM, Wijga, AH, Kogevinas, M, Vrijheid, M & Chatzi, L.

“GSTP1 and TNF Gene variants and associations between air pollution and incident childhood asthma: the traffic, asthma and genetics (TAG) study”. Environ. Health Perspect. 122(4) [2014], 418-424.

MacIntyre, EA, Brauer, M, Melén, E, Bauer, CP, Bauer, M, Berdel, D, Bergström, A, Brunekreef, B, Chan-Yeung, M, Klümper, C, Fuertes, E, Gehring, U, Gref, A, Heinrich, J, Herbarth, O, Kerkhof, M, Koppelman, GH, Kozyrskyj, AL, Pershagen, G, Postma, DS, Thiering, E, Tiesler, CMT, Carlsten, C & TAG Study Group.

“Air pollution and respiratory infections during early childhood: an analysis of 10 European birth cohorts within the ESCAPE Project”. Environ. Health Perspect. 122(1) [2014], 107-113.

MacIntyre, EA, Gehring, U, Mölter, A, Fuertes, E, Klümper, C, Krämer, U, Quass, U, Hoffmann, B, Gascon, M, Brunekreef, B, Koppelman, GH, Beelen, R, Hoek, G, Birk, M, de Jongste, JC, Smit, HA, Cyrys, J, Gruzieva, O, Korek, M, Bergström, A, Agius, RM, de Vocht, F, Simpson, A, Porta, D, Forastiere, F, Badaloni, C, Cesaroni, G, Esplugues, A, Fernández-Somoano, A, Lerxundi, A, Sunyer, J, Cirach, M, Nieuwenhuijsen, MJ, Pershagen, G & Heinrich, J.

“Comorbidity of eczema, rhinitis, and asthma in IgE-sensitised and non-IgE-sensitised children in MeDALL: a population-based cohort study”. Lancet Respir Med 2(2) [2014], 131-140.

Pinart, M, Benet, M, Annesi-Maesano, I, von Berg, A, Berdel, D, Carlsen, KCL, Carlsen, K-H, Bindslev-Jensen, C, Eller, E, Fantini, MP, Lenzi, J, Gehring, U, Heinrich, J, Hohmann, C, Just, J, Keil, T, Kerkhof, M, Kogevinas, M, Koletzko, S, Koppelman, GH, Kull, I, Lau, S, Melén, E, Momas, I, Porta, D, Postma, DS, Rancière, F, Smit, HA, Stein, RT, Tischer, CG, Torrent, M, Wickman, M, Wijga, AH, Bousquet, J, Sunyer, J, Basagaña, X, Guerra, S, Garcia-Aymerich, J & Antó, JM.

“Association of IL33-IL-1 receptor-like 1 (IL1RL1) pathway polymorphisms with wheezing phenotypes and asthma in childhood”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 134(1) [2014], 170-177.

Savenije, OE, Mahachie John, JM, Granell, R, Kerkhof, M, Dijk, FN, de Jongste, JC, Smit, HA, Brunekreef, B, Postma, DS, Van Steen, K, Henderson, J & Koppelman, GH.

“Novel childhood asthma genes interact with in utero and early-life tobacco smoke exposure”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 133(3) [2014], 885-888.

Scholtens, S, Postma, DS, Moffatt, MF, Panasevich, S, Granell, R, Henderson, AJ, Melén, E, Nyberg, F, Pershagen, G, Jarvis, D, Ramasamy, A, Wjst, M, Svanes, C, Bouzigon, E, Demenais, F, Kauffmann, F, Siroux, V, von Mutius, E, Ege, MJ, Braun-Fahrländer, C, Genuneit, J, GABRIELA study group, Brunekreef, B, Smit, HA, Wijga, AH, Kerkhof, M, Curjuric, I, Imboden, M, Thun, GA, Probst-Hensch, N, Freidin, MB, Bragina, EI, Deev, IA, Puzyrev, VP, Daley, D, Park, J, Becker, A, Chan-Yeung, M, Kozyrskyj, AL, Pare, P, Marenholz, I, Lau, S, Keil, T, Lee, Y-A, Kabesch, M, Wijmenga, C, Franke, L, Nolte, IM, Vonk, J, Kumar, A, Farrall, M, Cookson, WOCM, Strachan, DP, Koppelman, GH & Boezen, HM.

“Preterm birth, infant weight gain, and childhood asthma risk: a meta-analysis of 147,000 European children”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 133(5) [2014], 1317-1329.

Sonnenschein-van der Voort, AMM, Arends, LR, de Jongste, JC, Annesi-Maesano, I, Arshad, SH, Barros, H, Basterrechea, M, Bisgaard, H, Chatzi, L, Corpeleijn, E, Correia, S, Craig, LC, Devereux, G, Dogaru, C, Dostal, M, Duchen, K, Eggesbø, M, van der Ent, CK, Fantini, MP, Forastiere, F, Frey, U, Gehring, U, Gori, D, van der Gugten, AC, Hanke, W, Henderson, AJ, Heude, B, Iñiguez, C, Inskip, HM, Keil, T, Kelleher, CC, Kogevinas, M, Kreiner-Møller, E, Kuehni, CE, Küpers, LK, Lancz, K, Larsen, PS, Lau, S, Ludvigsson, J, Mommers, M, Nybo Andersen, A-M, Palkovicova, L, Pike, KC, Pizzi, C, Polanska, K, Porta, D, Richiardi, L, Roberts, G, Schmidt, A, Sram, RJ, Sunyer, J, Thijs, C, Torrent, M, Viljoen, K, Wijga, AH, Vrijheid, M, Jaddoe, VWV & Duijts, L.

Overweight in infancy: which pre- and perinatal factors determine overweight persistence or reduction? A birth cohort followed for 11 years”. Ann. Nutr. Metab. 65(2-3) [2014], 211-219.

van Rossem, L, Wijga, AH, Brunekreef, B, de Jongste, JC, Kerkhof, M, Postma, DS, Gehring, U & Smit, HA.

“Fraction of exhaled nitric oxide values in childhood are associated with 17q11.2-q12 and 17q12-q21 variants”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 134(1) [2014], 46-55.

van der Valk, RJP, Duijts, L, Timpson, NJ, Salam, MT, Standl, M, Curtin, JA, Genuneit, J, Kerhof, M, Kreiner-Møller, E, Cáceres, A, Gref, A, Liang, LL, Taal, HR, Bouzigon, E, Demenais, F, Nadif, R, Ober, C, Thompson, EE, Estrada, K, Hofman, A, Uitterlinden, AG, van Duijn, C, Rivadeneira, F, Li, X, Eckel, SP, Berhane, K, Gauderman, WJ, Granell, R, Evans, DM, St Pourcain, B, McArdle, W, Kemp, JP, Smith, GD, Tiesler, CMT, Flexeder, C, Simpson, A, Murray, CS, Fuchs, O, Postma, DS, Bønnelykke, K, Torrent, M, Andersson, M, Sleiman, P, Hakonarson, H, Cookson, WO, Moffatt, MF, Paternoster, L, Melén, E, Sunyer, J, Bisgaard, H, Koppelman, GH, Ege, M, Custovic, A, Heinrich, J, Gilliland, FD, Henderson, AJ, Jaddoe, VWV, de Jongste, JC & EArly Genetics & Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) Consortium.

“Cohort profile: the prevention and incidence of asthma and mite allergy (PIAMA) birth cohort”. Int J Epidemiol 43(2) [2014], 527-535.

Wijga, AH, Kerkhof, M, Gehring, U, de Jongste, JC, Postma, DS, Aalberse, RC, Wolse, APH, Koppelman, GH, van Rossem, L, Oldenwening, M, Brunekreef, B & Smit, HA.

“Guideline-recommended use of asthma medication by children is associated with parental information and knowledge: the PIAMA birth cohort”. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 23(4) [2014], 406-410.

Wijga, AH, Zuidgeest, MGP, Kerkhof, M, Koppelman, GH, Smit, HA & de Jongste, JC.

“Hen’s egg, not cow’s milk, sensitization in infancy is associated with asthma: 10-year follow-up of the PIAMA birth cohort”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 132(6) [2013], 1427-1428.

Bekkers, MB, Aalberse, RC, Gehring, U, Kerkhof, M, Koppelman, GH, de Jongste, JC, Smit, HA, Brunekreef, B & Wijga, AH.

“Waist circumference, BMI, and lung function in 8-year-old children: the PIAMA birth cohort study”. Pediatr. Pulmonol. 48(7) [2013], 674-682.

Bekkers, MBM, Wijga, AH, de Jongste, JC, Kerkhof, M, Postma, D, Gehring, U, Smit, HA & Brunekreef, B.

“Plasma-serum cholesterol differences in children and use of measurements from different specimens”. Ann. Nutr. Metab. 63(4) [2013], 305-310.

Berentzen, NE, Wijga, AH, van Rossem, L, de Jongste, JC, Boshuizen, HC & Smit, HA.

“Endotoxin, extracellular polysaccharides, and ß(1-3)-glucan concentrations in dust and their determinants in four European birth cohorts: results from the HITEA project”. Indoor Air 23(3) [2013], 208-218.

Casas, L, Tischer, C, Wouters, IM, Valkonen, M, Gehring, U, Doekes, G, Torrent, M, Pekkanen, J, Garcia-Esteban, R, Hyvärinen, A, Heinrich, J & Sunyer, J.

“Early life microbial exposure and fractional exhaled nitric oxide in school-age children: a prospective birth cohort study”. Environ Health 12 [2013], 103.

Casas, L, Tischer, C, Wouters, IM, Torrent, M, Gehring, U, Garcia-Esteban, R, Thiering, E, Postma, DS, de Jongste, J, Smit, HA, Borràs-Santos, A, Zock, J-P, Hyvärinen, A, Heinrich, J & Sunyer, J.

“Perinatal risk factors for wheezing phenotypes in the first 8 years of life”. Clin. Exp. Allergy 43(12) [2013], 1395-1405.

Caudri, D, Savenije, OEM, Smit, HA, Postma, DS, Koppelman, GH, Wijga, AH, Kerkhof, M, Gehring, U, Hoekstra, MO, Brunekreef, B & de Jongste, JC.

“Maternal exposure to particulate air pollution and term birth weight: a multi-country evaluation of effect and heterogeneity”. Environ. Health Perspect. 121(3) [2013], 367-373.

Dadvand, P, Parker, J, Bell, ML, Bonzini, M, Brauer, M, Darrow, LA, Gehring, U, Glinianaia, SV, Gouveia, N, Ha, E, Leem, JH, van den Hooven, EH, Jalaludin, B, Jesdale, BM, Lepeule, J, Morello-Frosch, R, Morgan, GG, Pesatori, AC, Pierik, FH, Pless-Mulloli, T, Rich, DQ, Sathyanarayana, S, Seo, J, Slama, R, Strickland, M, Tamburic, L, Wartenberg, D, Nieuwenhuijsen, MJ & Woodruff, TJ.

Traffic-related air pollution is related to interrupter resistance in 4-year-old children”. Eur. Respir. J. 41(6) [2013], 1257-1263.

Eenhuizen, E, Gehring, U, Wijga, AH, Smit, HA, Fischer, PH, Brauer, M, Koppelman, GH, Kerkhof, M, de Jongste, JC, Brunekreef, B & Hoek, G.

“Childhood allergic rhinitis, traffic-related air pollution, and variability in the GSTP1, TNF, TLR2, and TLR4 genes: results from the TAG Study”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 132(2) [2013], 342-352.e2.

Fuertes, E, Brauer, M, MacIntyre, E, Bauer, M, Bellander, T, von Berg, A, Berdel, D, Brunekreef, B, Chan-Yeung, M, Gehring, U, Herbarth, O, Hoffmann, B, Kerkhof, M, Klümper, C, Koletzko, S, Kozyrskyj, A, Kull, I, Heinrich, J, Melén, E, Pershagen, G, Postma, D, Tiesler, CMT, Carlsten, C & TAG Study Group.

“Environmental exposure assessment in European birth cohorts: results from the ENRIECO project”. Environ Health 12(-) [2013], 8.

Gehring, U, Casas, M, Brunekreef, B, Bergström, A, Bonde, JP, Botton, J, Chévrier, C, Cordier, S, Heinrich, J, Hohmann, C, Keil, T, Sunyer, J, Tischer, CG, Toft, G, Wickman, M, Vrijheid, M & Nieuwenhuijsen, M.

“Air pollution exposure and lung function in children: the ESCAPE project”. Environ. Health Perspect. 121(11-12) [2013], 1357-1364.

Gehring, U, Gruzieva, O, Agius, RM, Beelen, R, Custovic, A, Cyrys, J, Eeftens, M, Flexeder, C, Fuertes, E, Heinrich, J, Hoffmann, B, de Jongste, JC, Kerkhof, M, Klümper, C, Korek, M, Mölter, A, Schultz, ES, Simpson, A, Sugiri, D, Svartengren, M, von Berg, A, Wijga, AH, Pershagen, G & Brunekreef, B.

“Predicting asthma in preschool children with asthma-like symptoms: Validating and updating the PIAMA risk score”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 132(6) [2013], 1303-1310.e6.

Hafkamp-de Groen, E, Lingsma, HF, Caudri, D, Levie, D, Wijga, A, Koppelman, GH, Duijts, L, Jaddoe, VWV, Smit, HA, Kerkhof, M, Moll, HA, Hofman, A, Steyerberg, EW, de Jongste, JC & Raat, H.

“New loci associated with birth weight identify genetic links between intrauterine growth and adult height and metabolism”. Nat. Genet. 45(1) [2013], 76-82.

Horikoshi, M, Yaghootkar, H, Mook-Kanamori, DO, Sovio, U, Taal, HR, Hennig, BJ, Bradfield, JP, St Pourcain, B, Evans, DM, Charoen, P, Kaakinen, M, Cousminer, DL, Lehtimäki, T, Kreiner-Møller, E, Warrington, NM, Bustamante, M, Feenstra, B, Berry, DJ, Thiering, E, Pfab, T, Barton, SJ, Shields, BM, Kerkhof, M, van Leeuwen, EM, Fulford, AJ, Kutalik, Z, Zhao, JH, den Hoed, M, Mahajan, A, Lindi, V, Goh, L-K, Hottenga, J-J, Wu, Y, Raitakari, OT, Harder, MN, Meirhaeghe, A, Ntalla, I, Salem, RM, Jameson, KA, Zhou, K, Monies, DM, Lagou, V, Kirin, M, Heikkinen, J, Adair, LS, Alkuraya, FS, Al-Odaib, A, Amouyel, P, Andersson, EA, Bennett, AJ, Blakemore, AIF, Buxton, JL, Dallongeville, J, Das, S, de Geus, EJC, Estivill, X, Flexeder, C, Froguel, P, Geller, F, Godfrey, KM, Gottrand, F, Groves, CJ, Hansen, T, Hirschhorn, JN, Hofman, A, Hollegaard, MV, Hougaard, DM, Hyppönen, E, Inskip, HM, Isaacs, A, Jørgensen, T, Kanaka-Gantenbein, C, Kemp, JP, Kiess, W, Kilpeläinen, TO, Klopp, N, Knight, BA, Kuzawa, CW, McMahon, G, Newnham, JP, Niinikoski, H, Oostra, BA, Pedersen, L, Postma, DS, Ring, SM, Rivadeneira, F, Robertson, NR, Sebert, S, Simell, O, Slowinski, T, Tiesler, CMT, Tönjes, A, Vaag, A, Viikari, JS, Vink, JM, Vissing, NH, Wareham, NJ, Willemsen, G, Witte, DR, Zhang, H, Zhao, J, Meta-Analyses of Glucose- and Insulin-related traits Consortium (MAGIC), Wilson, JF, Stumvoll, M, Prentice, AM, Meyer, BF, Pearson, ER, Boreham, CAG, Cooper, C, Gillman, MW, Dedoussis, GV, Moreno, LA, Pedersen, O, Saarinen, M, Mohlke, KL, Boomsma, DI, Saw, S-M, Lakka, TA, Körner, A, Loos, RJF, Ong, KK, Vollenweider, P, van Duijn, CM, Koppelman, GH, Hattersley, AT, Holloway, JW, Hocher, B, Heinrich, J, Power, C, Melbye, M, Guxens, M, Pennell, CE, Bønnelykke, K, Bisgaard, H, Eriksson, JG, Widén, E, Hakonarson, H, Uitterlinden, AG, Pouta, A, Lawlor, DA, Smith, GD, Frayling, TM, McCarthy, MI, Grant, SFA, Jaddoe, VWV, Jarvelin, M-R, Timpson, NJ, Prokopenko, I, Freathy, RM & Early Growth Genetics (EGG) Consortium.

“VEGFA variants are associated with pre-school lung function, but not neonatal lung function”. Clin. Exp. Allergy 43(11) [2013], 1236-1245.

Kreiner-Møller, E, Chawes, BLK, Vissing, NH, Koppelman, GH, Postma, DS, Madsen, JS, Olsen, DA, Baty, F, Vonk, JM, Kerkhof, M, Sleiman, P, Hakonarsson, H, Mortensen, LJ, Poorisrisak, P, Bisgaard, H & Bønnelykke, K.

“Pregnancy and birth cohort resources in europe: a large opportunity for aetiological child health research”. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 27(4) [2013], 393-414.

Larsen, PS, Kamper-Jørgensen, M, Adamson, A, Barros, H, Bonde, JP, Brescianini, S, Brophy, S, Casas, M, Charles, M-A, Devereux, G, Eggesbø, M, Fantini, MP, Frey, U, Gehring, U, Grazuleviciene, R, Henriksen, TB, Hertz-Picciotto, I, Heude, B, Hryhorczuk, DO, Inskip, H, Jaddoe, VWV, Lawlor, DA, Ludvigsson, J, Kelleher, C, Kiess, W, Koletzko, B, Kuehni, CE, Kull, I, Kyhl, HB, Magnus, P, Momas, I, Murray, D, Pekkanen, J, Polanska, K, Porta, D, Poulsen, G, Richiardi, L, Roeleveld, N, Skovgaard, AM, Sram, RJ, Strandberg-Larsen, K, Thijs, C, Van Eijsden, M, Wright, J, Vrijheid, M & Andersen, A-MN.

“Gas cooking, respiratory and allergic outcomes in the PIAMA birth cohort study”. Occup Environ Med 70(3) [2013], 187-194.

Lin, W, Gehring, U, Oldenwening, M, de Jongste, JC, Kerkhof, M, Postma, D, Smit, HA, Wijga, AH & Brunekreef, B.

“Traffic, asthma and genetics: combining international birth cohort data to examine genetics as a mediator of traffic-related air pollution’s impact on childhood asthma”. Eur. J. Epidemiol. 28(7) [2013], 597-606.

MacIntyre, EA, Carlsten, C, MacNutt, M, Fuertes, E, Melén, E, Tiesler, CMT, Gehring, U, Krämer, U, Klümper, C, Kerkhof, M, Chan-Yeung, M, Kozyrskyj, AL, Berdel, D, Bauer, CP, Herbarth, O, Bauer, M, Schaaf, B, Koletzko, S, Pershagen, G, Brunekreef, B, Heinrich, J & Brauer, M.

“Genome-wide association study of body mass index in 23 000 individuals with and without asthma”. Clin. Exp. Allergy 43(4) [2013], 463-474.

Melén, E, Granell, R, Kogevinas, M, Strachan, D, Gonzalez, JR, Wjst, M, Jarvis, D, Ege, M, Braun-Fahrländer, C, Genuneit, J, Horak, E, Bouzigon, E, Demenais, F, Kauffmann, F, Siroux, V, Michel, S, von Berg, A, Heinzmann, A, Kabesch, M, Probst-Hensch, NM, Curjuric, I, Imboden, M, Rochat, T, Henderson, J, Sterne, JAC, McArdle, WL, Hui, J, James, AL, William Musk, A, Palmer, LJ, Becker, A, Kozyrskyj, AL, Chan-Young, M, Park, JE, Leung, A, Daley, D, Freidin, MB, Deev, IA, Ogorodova, LM, Puzyrev, VP, Celedón, JC, Brehm, JM, Cloutier, MM, Canino, G, Acosta-Pérez, E, Soto-Quiros, M, Avila, L, Bergström, A, Magnusson, J, Söderhäll, C, Kull, I, Scholtens, S, Marike Boezen, H, Koppelman, GH, Wijga, AH, Marenholz, I, Esparza-Gordillo, J, Lau, S, Lee, Y-A, Standl, M, Tiesler, CMT, Flexeder, C, Heinrich, J, Myers, RA, Ober, C, Nicolae, DL, Farrall, M, Kumar, A, Moffatt, MF, Cookson, WOCM & Lasky-Su, J.

“Ambient air pollution and low birthweight: a European cohort study (ESCAPE)”. Lancet Respir Med 1(9) [2013], 695-704.

Pedersen, M, Giorgis-Allemand, L, Bernard, C, Aguilera, I, Andersen, A-MN, Ballester, F, Beelen, RMJ, Chatzi, L, Cirach, M, Danileviciute, A, Dedele, A, Eijsden, M van, Estarlich, M, Fernández-Somoano, A, Fernández, MF, Forastiere, F, Gehring, U, Grazuleviciene, R, Gruzieva, O, Heude, B, Hoek, G, de Hoogh, K, van den Hooven, EH, Håberg, SE, Jaddoe, VWV, Klümper, C, Korek, M, Krämer, U, Lerchundi, A, Lepeule, J, Nafstad, P, Nystad, W, Patelarou, E, Porta, D, Postma, D, Raaschou-Nielsen, O, Rudnai, P, Sunyer, J, Stephanou, E, Sørensen, M, Thiering, E, Tuffnell, D, Varró, MJ, Vrijkotte, TGM, Wijga, A, Wilhelm, M, Wright, J, Nieuwenhuijsen, MJ, Pershagen, G, Brunekreef, B, Kogevinas, M & Slama, R.

“Body mass index trajectory classes and incident asthma in childhood: results from 8 European Birth Cohorts–a Global Allergy and Asthma European Network initiative”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 131(6) [2013], 1528-1536.

Rzehak, P, Wijga, AH, Keil, T, Eller, E, Bindslev-Jensen, C, Smit, HA, Weyler, J, Dom, S, Sunyer, J, Mendez, M, Torrent, M, Vall, O, Bauer, C-P, Berdel, D, Schaaf, B, Chen, C-M, Bergström, A, Fantini, MP, Mommers, M, Wahn, U, Lau, S, Heinrich, J & GA²LEN-WP 1.5 Birth Cohorts.

“The association between indoor temperature and body mass index in children: the PIAMA birth cohort study”. BMC Public Health 13(1) [2013], 1119.

Scheffers, FR, Bekkers, MB, Kerkhof, M, Gehring, U, Koppelman, GH, Schipper, M, Haveman-Nies, A & Wijga, AH.

“Glutathione-S-transferase P1, early exposure to mould in relation to respiratory and allergic health outcomes in children from six birth cohorts. A meta-analysis”. Allergy 68(3) [2013], 339-346.

Tischer, CG, Gref, A, Standl, M, Bauer, M, Bergström, A, Brauer, M, Carlsten, C, Gehring, U, Granell, R, Henderson, J, Kerkhof, M, MacNutt, M, Melén, E, Wickman, M & Heinrich, J.

“Sleep in children with asthma: results of the PIAMA study”. Eur. Respir. J. 41(4) [2013], 832-837.

van Maanen, A, Wijga, AH, Gehring, U, Postma, DS, Smit, HA, Oort, FJ, Rodenburg, R & Meijer, AM.

“Response to children’s home blood pressure and growth environment”. Hypertension 61(4) [2013], e34-35.

van Rossem, L, Wijga, AH, de Jongste, JC, Koppelman, GH, Oldenwening, M, Postma, DS, Abrahamse-Berkeveld, M, van de Heijning, B, Brunekreef, B & Smit, HA.

“Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies ten loci influencing allergic sensitization”. Nat. Genet. 45(8) [2013], 902-6.

Klaus Bønnelykke, Melanie C Matheson, Tune H Pers, Raquel Granell, David P Strachan, Alexessander Couto Alves, Allan Linneberg, John A Curtin, Nicole M Warrington, Marie Standl, Marjan Kerkhof, Ingileif Jonsdottir, Blazenka K Bukvic, Marika Kaakinen, Patrick Sleimann, Gudmar Thorleifsson, Unnur Thorsteinsdottir, Katharina Schramm, Svetlana Baltic, Eskil Kreiner-Møller, Angela Simpson, Beate St Pourcain, Lachlan Coin, Jennie Hui, Eugene H Walters, Carla M T Tiesler, David L Duffy, Graham Jones, AAGC; Susan M Ring, Wendy L McArdle, Loren Price, Colin F Robertson, Juha Pekkanen, Clara S Tang, Elisabeth Thiering, Grant W Montgomery, Anna-Liisa Hartikainen, Shyamali C Dharmage, Lise L Husemoen, Christian Herder, John P Kemp, Paul Elliot, Alan James, Melanie Waldenberger, Michael J Abramson, Benjamin P Fairfax, Julian C Knight, Ramneek Gupta, Philip J Thompson, Patrick Holt, Peter Sly, Joel N Hirschhorn, Mario Blekic, Stephan Weidinger, Hakon Hakonarsson, Kari Stefansson, Joachim Heinrich, Dirkje S Postma, Adnan Custovic, Craig E Pennell, Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin, Gerard H Koppelman, Nicholas Timpson, Manuel A Ferreira, Hans Bisgaard, A John Henderson.

“BMI and Waist Circumference; Cross-Sectional and Prospective Associations with Blood Pressure and Cholesterol in 12-Year-Olds”. PLoS ONE 7(12) [2012], e51801.

Bekkers, MBM, Brunekreef, B, Koppelman, GH, Kerkhof, M, de Jongste, JC, Smit, HA & Wijga, AH.

“Maternal use of folic acid supplements during pregnancy, and childhood respiratory health and atopy”. Eur. Respir. J. 39(6) [2012], 1468-1474.

Bekkers, MBM, Elstgeest, LEM, Scholtens, S, Haveman-Nies, A, de Jongste, JC, Kerkhof, M, Koppelman, GH, Gehring, U, Smit, HA & Wijga, AH.

“Childhood overweight and asthma symptoms, the role of pro-inflammatory proteins”. Clin. Exp. Allergy 42(1) [2012], 95-103.

Bekkers, MBM, Brunekreef, B, de Jongste, JC, Kerkhof, M, Smit, HA, Postma, DS, Gehring, U & Wijga, AH.

“A genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies new childhood obesity loci”. Nat. Genet. 44(5) [2012], 526-531.

Bradfield, JP, Taal, HR, Timpson, NJ, Scherag, A, Lecoeur, C, Warrington, NM, Hypponen, E, Holst, C, Valcarcel, B, Thiering, E, Salem, RM, Schumacher, FR, Cousminer, DL, Sleiman, PMA, Zhao, J, Berkowitz, RI, Vimaleswaran, KS, Jarick, I, Pennell, CE, Evans, DM, St Pourcain, B, Berry, DJ, Mook-Kanamori, DO, Hofman, A, Rivadeneira, F, Uitterlinden, AG, van Duijn, CM, van der Valk, RJP, de Jongste, JC, Postma, DS, Boomsma, DI, Gauderman, WJ, Hassanein, MT, Lindgren, CM, Mägi, R, Boreham, CAG, Neville, CE, Moreno, LA, Elliott, P, Pouta, A, Hartikainen, A-L, Li, M, Raitakari, O, Lehtimäki, T, Eriksson, JG, Palotie, A, Dallongeville, J, Das, S, Deloukas, P, McMahon, G, Ring, SM, Kemp, JP, Buxton, JL, Blakemore, AIF, Bustamante, M, Guxens, M, Hirschhorn, JN, Gillman, MW, Kreiner-Møller, E, Bisgaard, H, Gilliland, FD, Heinrich, J, Wheeler, E, Barroso, I, O’Rahilly, S, Meirhaeghe, A, Sørensen, TIA, Power, C, Palmer, LJ, Hinney, A, Widen, E, Farooqi, IS, McCarthy, MI, Froguel, P, Meyre, D, Hebebrand, J, Jarvelin, M-R, Jaddoe, VWV, Smith, GD, Hakonarson, H, Grant, SFA & Early Growth Genetics Consortium.

“The 8-year follow-up of the PIAMA intervention study assessing the effect of mite-impermeable mattress covers”. Allergy 67(2) [2012], 248-256.

Gehring, U, de Jongste, JC, Kerkhof, M, Oldewening, M, Postma, D, van Strien, RT, Wijga, AH, Willers, SM, Wolse, A, Gerritsen, J, Smit, HA & Brunekreef, B.

“Predicting asthma in preschool children with asthma symptoms: study rationale and design”. BMC Pulm Med 12(-) [2012], 65.

Hafkamp-de Groen, E, Lingsma, HF, Caudri, D, Wijga, A, Jaddoe, VW, Steyerberg, EW, de Jongste, JC & Raat, H.

“The impact of Helicobacter pylori on atopic disorders in childhood”. Helicobacter 17(3) [2012], 232-237.

Holster, IL, Vila, AMJ, Caudri, D, den Hoed, CM, Perez-Perez, GI, Blaser, MJ, de Jongste, JC & Kuipers, EJ.

“Opposite effects of allergy prevention depending on CD14 rs2569190 genotype in 3 intervention studies”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 129(1) [2012], 256-259.

Kerkhof, M, Daley, D, Postma, DS, Park, JE, Chan Yeung, M, Wijga, AH, Gehring, U, de Jongste, JC, Smit, HA, Brunekreef, B, van Schayck, OCP, Becker, A & Koppelman, GH.

“Protocadherin-1 polymorphisms are associated with eczema in two Dutch birth cohorts”. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 23(3) [2012], 270-277.

Koning, H, Postma, DS, Brunekreef, B, Duiverman, EJ, Smit, HA, Thijs, C, Penders, J, Kerkhof, M & Koppelman, GH.

“Does pet ownership in infancy lead to asthma or allergy at school age? Pooled analysis of individual participant data from 11 European birth cohorts”. PLoS ONE 7(8) [2012], e43214.

Lødrup Carlsen, KC, Roll, S, Carlsen, K-H, Mowinckel, P, Wijga, AH, Brunekreef, B, Torrent, M, Roberts, G, Arshad, SH, Kull, I, Krämer, U, von Berg, A, Eller, E, Høst, A, Kuehni, C, Spycher, B, Sunyer, J, Chen, C-M, Reich, A, Asarnoj, A, Puig, C, Herbarth, O, Mahachie John, JM, Van Steen, K, Willich, SN, Wahn, U, Lau, S & Keil, T.

“Polymorphisms in the TLR6 gene associated with the inverse association between childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and atopic disease”. Leukemia 26(6) [2012], 1203-1210.

Miedema, KGE, Tissing, WJE, Te Poele, EM, Kamps, WA, Alizadeh, BZ, Kerkhof, M, de Jongste, JC, Smit, HA, de Pagter, AP, Bierings, M, Boezen, HM, Postma, DS, de Bont, ESJM & Koppelman, GH.

“Maternal smoking in pregnancy and asthma in preschool children: a pooled analysis of eight birth cohorts”. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 186(10) [2012], 1037-1043.

Neuman, A, Hohmann, C, Orsini, N, Pershagen, G, Eller, E, Kjaer, HF, Gehring, U, Granell, R, Henderson, J, Heinrich, J, Lau, S, Nieuwenhuijsen, M, Sunyer, J, Tischer, C, Torrent, M, Wahn, U, Wijga, AH, Wickman, M, Keil, T & Bergström, A.

“Common variants at 12q15 and 12q24 are associated with infant head circumference”. Nat. Genet. 44(5) [2012], 532-538.

Taal, HR, St Pourcain, B, Thiering, E, Das, S, Mook-Kanamori, DO, Warrington, NM, Kaakinen, M, Kreiner-Møller, E, Bradfield, JP, Freathy, RM, Geller, F, Guxens, M, Cousminer, DL, Kerkhof, M, Timpson, NJ, Ikram, MA, Beilin, LJ, Bønnelykke, K, Buxton, JL, Charoen, P, Chawes, BLK, Eriksson, J, Evans, DM, Hofman, A, Kemp, JP, Kim, CE, Klopp, N, Lahti, J, Lye, SJ, McMahon, G, Mentch, FD, Müller-Nurasyid, M, O’Reilly, PF, Prokopenko, I, Rivadeneira, F, Steegers, EAP, Sunyer, J, Tiesler, C, Yaghootkar, H, Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genetic Epidemiology Consortium, Breteler, MMB, Decarli, C, Breteler, MMB, Debette, S, Fornage, M, Gudnason, V, Launer, LJ, van der Lugt, A, Mosley, TH, Seshadri, S, Smith, AV, Vernooij, MW, Early Genetics & Lifecourse Epidemiology Consortium, Blakemore, AIF, Chiavacci, RM, Feenstra, B, Fernandez-Banet, J, Grant, SFA, Hartikainen, A-L, van der Heijden, AJ, Iñiguez, C, Lathrop, M, McArdle, WL, Mølgaard, A, Newnham, JP, Palmer, LJ, Palotie, A, Pouta, A, Ring, SM, Sovio, U, Standl, M, Uitterlinden, AG, Wichmann, H-E, Vissing, NH, DeCarli, C, van Duijn, CM, McCarthy, MI, Koppelman, GH, Estivill, X, Hattersley, AT, Melbye, M, Bisgaard, H, Pennell, CE, Widen, E, Hakonarson, H, Smith, GD, Heinrich, J, Jarvelin, M-R, Jaddoe, VWV & Early Growth Genetics Consortium.

“Childhood wheezing phenotypes and FeNO in atopic children at age 8”. Clin. Exp. Allergy 42(9) [2012], 1329-1336.

van der Valk, RJP, Caudri, D, Savenije, O, Koppelman, GH, Smit, HA, Wijga, AH, Postma, DS, Kerkhof, M, Brunekreef, B & de Jongste, JC.

“Interaction of a 17q12 variant with both fetal and infant smoke exposure in the development of childhood asthma-like symptoms”. Allergy 67(6) [2012], 767-774.

van der Valk, RJP, Duijts, L, Kerkhof, M, Willemsen, SP, Hofman, A, Moll, HA, Smit, HA, Brunekreef, B, Postma, DS, Jaddoe, VWV, Koppelman, GH & de Jongste, JC.

“Blood pressure in 12-year-old children is associated with fatty acid composition of human milk: the prevention and incidence of asthma and mite allergy birth cohort”. Hypertension 60(4) [2012], 1055-1060.

van Rossem, L, Wijga, AH, de Jongste, JC, Koppelman, GH, Oldenwening, M, Postma, DS, Abrahamse-Berkeveld, M, van de Heijning, B, Brunekreef, B & Smit, HA.

“Overweight and school performance among primary school children: the PIAMA birth cohort study”. Obesity (Silver Spring) 20(3) [2012], 590-596.

Veldwijk, J, Fries, MCE, Bemelmans, WJE, Haveman-Nies, A, Smit, HA, Koppelman, GH & Wijga, AH.

“European birth cohorts for environmental health research”. Environ. Health Perspect. 120(1) [2012], 29-37.

Vrijheid, M, Casas, M, Bergström, A, Carmichael, A, Cordier, S, Eggesbø, M, Eller, E, Fantini, MP, Fernández, MF, Fernández-Somoano, A, Gehring, U, Grazuleviciene, R, Hohmann, C, Karvonen, AM, Keil, T, Kogevinas, M, Koppen, G, Krämer, U, Kuehni, CE, Magnus, P, Majewska, R, Andersen, A-MN, Patelarou, E, Petersen, MS, Pierik, FH, Polanska, K, Porta, D, Richiardi, L, Santos, AC, Slama, R, Sram, RJ, Thijs, C, Tischer, C, Toft, G, Trnovec, T, Vandentorren, S, Vrijkotte, TGM, Wilhelm, M, Wright, J & Nieuwenhuijsen, M.

“BMI development of normal weight and overweight children in the PIAMA study”. PLoS ONE 7(6) [2012], e39517.

Willers, SM, Brunekreef, B, Smit, HA, van der Beek, EM, Gehring, U, de Jongste, C, Kerkhof, M, Koppelman, GH & Wijga, AH.

“Parental reported compared with measured waist circumference in 8-year-old children”. Int J Pediatr Obes 6(2-2) [2011], e78-86.

Bekkers, MBM, Brunekreef, B, Scholtens, S, Kerkhof, M, Smit, HA & Wijga, AH.

“Early-life determinants of total and HDL cholesterol concentrations in 8-year-old children; the PIAMA birth cohort study”. PLoS ONE 6(9) [2011], e25533.

Bekkers, MBM, Brunekreef, B, Smit, HA, Kerkhof, M, Koppelman, GH, Oldenwening, M & Wijga, AH.

“MeDALL (Mechanisms of the Development of ALLergy): an integrated approach from phenotypes to systems medicine”. Allergy 66(5) [2011], 596-604.

Bousquet, J, Anto, J, Auffray, C, Akdis, M, Cambon-Thomsen, A, Keil, T, Haahtela, T, Lambrecht, BN, Postma, DS, Sunyer, J, Valenta, R, Akdis, CA, Annesi-Maesano, I, Arno, A, Bachert, C, Ballester, F, Basagana, X, Baumgartner, U, Bindslev-Jensen, C, Brunekreef, B, Carlsen, KH, Chatzi, L, Crameri, R, Eveno, E, Forastiere, F, Garcia-Aymerich, J, Guerra, S, Hammad, H, Heinrich, J, Hirsch, D, Jacquemin, B, Kauffmann, F, Kerkhof, M, Kogevinas, M, Koppelman, GH, Kowalski, ML, Lau, S, Lodrup-Carlsen, KC, Lopez-Botet, M, Lotvall, J, Lupinek, C, Maier, D, Makela, MJ, Martinez, FD, Mestres, J, Momas, I, Nawijn, MC, Neubauer, A, Oddie, S, Palkonen, S, Pin, I, Pison, C, Rancé, F, Reitamo, S, Rial-Sebbag, E, Salapatas, M, Siroux, V, Smagghe, D, Torrent, M, Toskala, E, van Cauwenberge, P, van Oosterhout, AJM, Varraso, R, von Hertzen, L, Wickman, M, Wijmenga, C, Worm, M, Wright, J & Zuberbier, T.

“Asthma symptoms and medication in the PIAMA birth cohort: evidence for under and overtreatment”. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 22(7) [2011], 652-659.

Caudri, D, Wijga, AH, Smit, HA, Koppelman, GH, Kerkhof, M, Hoekstra, MO, Brunekreef, B & de Jongste, JC.

“Traffic-related air pollution and pregnancy outcomes in the Dutch ABCD birth cohort study”. Occup Environ Med 68(1) [2011], 36-43.

Gehring, U, van Eijsden, M, Dijkema, MBA, van der Wal, MF, Fischer, P & Brunekreef, B.

“Traffic-related air pollution and dry night cough during the first 8 years of life”. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 22(1 Pt 1) [2011], 85-86.

Gehring, U, Wijga, AH, Brauer, M, Fischer, P, de Jongste, JC, Kerkhof, M, Oldenwening, M, Smit, HA & Brunekreef, B.

“Traffic-related air pollution, preterm birth and term birth weight in the PIAMA birth cohort study”. Environ. Res. 111(1) [2011], 125-135.

Gehring, U, Wijga, AH, Fischer, P, de Jongste, JC, Kerkhof, M, Koppelman, GH, Smit, HA & Brunekreef, B.

“Musculoskeletal complaints among 11-year-old children and associated factors: the PIAMA birth cohort study”. Am. J. Epidemiol. 174(8) [2011], 877-884.

Hulsegge, G, van Oostrom, SH, Picavet, HSJ, Twisk, JWR, Postma, DS, Kerkhof, M, Smit, HA & Wijga, AH.

“Uncontrolled asthma at age 8: the importance of parental perception towards medication”. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 22(5) [2011], 462-468.

Koster, ES, Wijga, AH, Koppelman, GH, Postma, DS, Brunekreef, B, De Jongste, JC, Smit, HA, Hoekstra, MO, Raaijmakers, JAM & Maitland-van der Zee, A-H.

“The International Collaboration on Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes: initial results”. Environ. Health Perspect. 119(7) [2011], 1023-1028.

Parker, JD, Rich, DQ, Glinianaia, SV, Leem, JH, Wartenberg, D, Bell, ML, Bonzini, M, Brauer, M, Darrow, L, Gehring, U, Gouveia, N, Grillo, P, Ha, E, van den Hooven, EH, Jalaludin, B, Jesdale, BM, Lepeule, J, Morello-Frosch, R, Morgan, GG, Slama, R, Pierik, FH, Pesatori, AC, Sathyanarayana, S, Seo, J, Strickland, M, Tamburic, L & Woodruff, TJ.

“Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies three new risk loci for atopic dermatitis”. Nat. Genet. 44(2) [2011], 187-192.

Paternoster, L, Standl, M, Chen, C-M, Ramasamy, A, Bønnelykke, K, Duijts, L, Ferreira, MA, Alves, AC, Thyssen, JP, Albrecht, E, Baurecht, H, Feenstra, B, Sleiman, PMA, Hysi, P, Warrington, NM, Curjuric, I, Myhre, R, Curtin, JA, Groen-Blokhuis, MM, Kerkhof, M, Sääf, A, Franke, A, Ellinghaus, D, Fölster-Holst, R, Dermitzakis, E, Montgomery, SB, Prokisch, H, Heim, K, Hartikainen, A-L, Pouta, A, Pekkanen, J, Blakemore, AIF, Buxton, JL, Kaakinen, M, Duffy, DL, Madden, PA, Heath, AC, Montgomery, GW, Thompson, PJ, Matheson, MC, Le Souëf, P, Australian Asthma Genetics Consortium (AAGC), St Pourcain, B, Smith, GD, Henderson, J, Kemp, JP, Timpson, NJ, Deloukas, P, Ring, SM, Wichmann, H-E, Müller-Nurasyid, M, Novak, N, Klopp, N, Rodríguez, E, McArdle, W, Linneberg, A, Menné, T, Nohr, EA, Hofman, A, Uitterlinden, AG, van Duijn, CM, Rivadeneira, F, de Jongste, JC, van der Valk, RJP, Wjst, M, Jogi, R, Geller, F, Boyd, HA, Murray, JC, Kim, C, Mentch, F, March, M, Mangino, M, Spector, TD, Bataille, V, Pennell, CE, Holt, PG, Sly, P, Tiesler, CMT, Thiering, E, Illig, T, Imboden, M, Nystad, W, Simpson, A, Hottenga, J-J, Postma, D, Koppelman, GH, Smit, HA, Söderhäll, C, Chawes, B, Kreiner-Møller, E, Bisgaard, H, Melén, E, Boomsma, DI, Custovic, A, Jacobsson, B, Probst-Hensch, NM, Palmer, LJ, Glass, D, Hakonarson, H, Melbye, M, Jarvis, DL, Jaddoe, VWV, Gieger, C, Genetics of Overweight Young Adults (GOYA) Consortium, Strachan, DP, Martin, NG, Jarvelin, M-R, Heinrich, J, Evans, DM, Weidinger, S & EArly Genetics & Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) Consortium.

“The development of socio-economic health differences in childhood: results of the Dutch longitudinal PIAMA birth cohort”. BMC Public Health 11(-) [2011], 225.

Ruijsbroek, A, Wijga, AH, Kerkhof, M, Koppelman, GH, Smit, HA & Droomers, M.

“Comparison of childhood wheezing phenotypes in 2 birth cohorts: ALSPAC and PIAMA”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 127(6) [2011], 1505-1512.e14.

Savenije, OE, Granell, R, Caudri, D, Koppelman, GH, Smit, HA, Wijga, A, de Jongste, JC, Brunekreef, B, Sterne, JA, Postma, DS, Henderson, J & Kerkhof, M

“Interleukin-1 receptor-like 1 polymorphisms are associated with serum IL1RL1-a, eosinophils, and asthma in childhood”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 127(3) [2011], 750-756.e1-5.

Savenije, OEM, Kerkhof, M, Reijmerink, NE, Brunekreef, B, de Jongste, JC, Smit, HA, Wijga, AH, Postma, DS & Koppelman, GH.

“Predicting the risk of newborn children to become overweight later in childhood: the PIAMA birth cohort study”. Int J Pediatr Obes 6(2-2) [2011], e170-178.

Steur, M, Smit, HA, Schipper, CMA, Scholtens, S, Kerkhof, M, de Jongste, JC, Haveman-Nies, A, Brunekreef, B & Wijga, AH.

“Respiratory health in children, and indoor exposure to (1,3)-ß-D-glucan, EPS mould components and endotoxin”. Eur. Respir. J. 37(5) [2011], 1050-1059.

Tischer, C, Gehring, U, Chen, C-M, Kerkhof, M, Koppelman, G, Sausenthaler, S, Herbarth, O, Schaaf, B, Lehmann, I, Krämer, U, Berdel, D, von Berg, A, Bauer, CP, Koletzko, S, Wichmann, H-E, Brunekreef, B & Heinrich, J.

“Meta-analysis of mould and dampness exposure on asthma and allergy in eight European birth cohorts: an ENRIECO initiative”. Allergy 66(12) [2011], 1570-1579.

Tischer, CG, Hohmann, C, Thiering, E, Herbarth, O, Müller, A, Henderson, J, Granell, R, Fantini, MP, Luciano, L, Bergström, A, Kull, I, Link, E, von Berg, A, Kuehni, CE, Strippoli, M-PF, Gehring, U, Wijga, A, Eller, E, Bindslev-Jensen, C, Keil, T, Heinrich, J & ENRIECO consortium.

“Quantification of the energy gap in young overweight children. The PIAMA birth cohort study”. BMC Public Health 11(-) [2011], 326.

van den Berg, SW, Boer, JMA, Scholtens, S, de Jongste, JC, Brunekreef, B, Smit, HA & Wijga, AH.

“Serum micronutrient concentrations and childhood asthma: the PIAMA birth cohort study”. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 22(8) [2011], 784-793.

van Oeffelen, AAM, Bekkers, MBM, Smit, HA, Kerkhof, M, Koppelman, GH, Haveman-Nies, A, van der A, DL, Jansen, EHJM & Wijga, AH.

“Sex differences in asthma during the first 8 years of life: the Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy (PIAMA) birth cohort study”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 127(1) [2011], 275-277.

Wijga, A, Tabak, C, Postma, DS, Kerkhof, M, Wieringa, MH, Hoekstra, MO, Brunekreef, B, de Jongste, JC & Smit, HA.

“Childhood diet and asthma and atopy at 8 years of age: the PIAMA birth cohort study”. Eur. Respir. J. 37(5) [2011], 1060-1067.

Willers, SM, Wijga, AH, Brunekreef, B, Scholtens, S, Postma, DS, Kerkhof, M, de Jongste, JC & Smit, HA.

“Gene-gene interaction in regulatory T-cell function in atopy and asthma development in childhood”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 126(2) [2010], 338-346, 346.e1-10.

Bottema, RWB, Kerkhof, M, Reijmerink, NE, Thijs, C, Smit, HA, van Schayck, CP, Brunekreef, B, van Oosterhout, AJ, Postma, DS & Koppelman, GH.

“X-chromosome Forkhead Box P3 polymorphisms associate with atopy in girls in three Dutch birth cohorts”. Allergy 65(7) [2010], 865-874.

Bottema, RWB, Kerkhof, M, Reijmerink, NE, Koppelman, GH, Thijs, C, Stelma, FF, Smit, HA, Brunekreef, B, van Schayck, CP & Postma, DS.

“Interaction of T-cell and antigen presenting cell co-stimulatory genes in childhood IgE”. Eur. Respir. J. 35(1) [2010], 54-63.

Bottema, RWB, Postma, DS, Reijmerink, NE, Thijs, C, Stelma, FF, Smit, HA, van Schayck, CP, Brunekreef, B, Koppelman, GH & Kerkhof, M.

“Prediction of asthma in symptomatic preschool children using exhaled nitric oxide, Rint and specific IgE”. Thorax 65(9) [2010], 801-807.

Caudri, D, Wijga, AH, Hoekstra, MO, Kerkhof, M, Koppelman, GH, Brunekreef, B, Smit, HA & de Jongste, JC.

“Variants in ADCY5 and near CCNL1 are associated with fetal growth and birth weight”. Nat. Genet. 42(5) [2010], 430-435.

Freathy, RM, Mook-Kanamori, DO, Sovio, U, Prokopenko, I, Timpson, NJ, Berry, DJ, Warrington, NM, Widen, E, Hottenga, JJ, Kaakinen, M, Lange, LA, Bradfield, JP, Kerkhof, M, Marsh, JA, Mägi, R, Chen, C-M, Lyon, HN, Kirin, M, Adair, LS, Aulchenko, YS, Bennett, AJ, Borja, JB, Bouatia-Naji, N, Charoen, P, Coin, LJM, Cousminer, DL, de Geus, EJC, Deloukas, P, Elliott, P, Evans, DM, Froguel, P, Genetic Investigation of ANthropometric Traits (GIANT) Consortium, Glaser, B, Groves, CJ, Hartikainen, A-L, Hassanali, N, Hirschhorn, JN, Hofman, A, Holly, JMP, Hyppönen, E, Kanoni, S, Knight, BA, Laitinen, J, Lindgren, CM, Meta-Analyses of Glucose and Insulin-related traits Consortium, McArdle, WL, O’Reilly, PF, Pennell, CE, Postma, DS, Pouta, A, Ramasamy, A, Rayner, NW, Ring, SM, Rivadeneira, F, Shields, BM, Strachan, DP, Surakka, I, Taanila, A, Tiesler, C, Uitterlinden, AG, van Duijn, CM, Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, Wijga, AH, Willemsen, G, Zhang, H, Zhao, J, Wilson, JF, Steegers, EAP, Hattersley, AT, Eriksson, JG, Peltonen, L, Mohlke, KL, Grant, SFA, Hakonarson, H, Koppelman, GH, Dedoussis, GV, Heinrich, J, Gillman, MW, Palmer, LJ, Frayling, TM, Boomsma, DI, Davey Smith, G, Power, C, Jaddoe, VWV, Jarvelin, M-R, Early Growth Genetics (EGG) Consortium & McCarthy, MI.

“Traffic-related air pollution and the development of asthma and allergies during the first 8 years of life”. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 181(6) [2010], 596-603.

Gehring, U, Wijga, AH, Brauer, M, Fischer, P, de Jongste, JC, Kerkhof, M, Oldenwening, M, Smit, HA & Brunekreef, B.

“Toll-like receptor 2 and 4 genes influence susceptibility to adverse effects of traffic-related air pollution on childhood asthma”. Thorax 65(8) [2010], 690-697.

Kerkhof, M, Postma, DS, Brunekreef, B, Reijmerink, NE, Wijga, AH, de Jongste, JC, Gehring, U & Koppelman, GH.

“High agreement between parental reported inhaled corticosteroid use and pharmacy prescription data”. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 19(11) [2010], 1199-1203.

Koster, ES, Wijga, AH, Raaijmakers, JAM, Koppelman, GH, Postma, DS, Kerkhof, M, Hoekstra, MO, de Jongste, JC, Smit, HA, Brunekreef, B & Maitland-van der Zee, A-H.

“Patterns of asthma medication use: early asthma therapy initiation and asthma outcomes at age 8”. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 19(10) [2010], 991-999.

Koster, ES, Wijga, AH, Zuidgeest, MGP, Belitser, SV, Raaijmakers, JAM, Koppelman, GH, Postma, DS, Brunekreef, B, de Jongste, JC & Maitland-van der Zee, A-H.

“A large-scale, consortium-based genomewide association study of asthma”. N. Engl. J. Med. 363(13) [2010], 1211-1221.

Moffatt, MF, Gut, IG, Demenais, F, Strachan, DP, Bouzigon, E, Heath, S, von Mutius, E, Farrall, M, Lathrop, M, Cookson, WOCM & GABRIEL Consortium.

“TLR-related pathway analysis: novel gene-gene interactions in the development of asthma and atopy”. Allergy 65(2) [2010], 199-207.

Reijmerink, NE, Bottema, RWB, Kerkhof, M, Gerritsen, J, Stelma, FF, Thijs, C, van Schayck, CP, Smit, HA, Brunekreef, B, Koppelman, GH & Postma, DS.

“Neonatal total IgE and respiratory tract infections in children with intrauterine smoke exposure”. Arch. Dis. Child. 95(6) [2010], 427-431.

Ruskamp, J, Smit, H, Rovers, M, Hoekstra, M, Schilder, A, Brunekreef, B, Wijga, A, Kerkhof, M, de Jongste, J & Sanders, E.

“Maternal overweight before pregnancy and asthma in offspring followed for 8 years”. Int J Obes (Lond) 34(4) [2010], 606-613.

Scholtens, S, Wijga, AH, Brunekreef, B, Kerkhof, M, Postma, DS, Oldenwening, M, de Jongste, JC & Smit, HA.

“Comorbidities of obesity in school children: a cross-sectional study in the PIAMA birth cohort”. BMC Public Health 10(-) [2010], 184.

Wijga, AH, Scholtens, S, Bemelmans, WJE, de Jongste, JC, Kerkhof, M, Schipper, M, Sanders, EA, Gerritsen, J, Brunekreef, B & Smit, HA.

“Diet, Screen Time, Physical Activity, and Childhood Overweight in the General Population and in High Risk Subgroups: Prospective Analyses in the PIAMA Birth Cohort”. J Obes 2010(-) [2010], pii: 423296.

Wijga, AH, Scholtens, S, Bemelmans, WJE, Kerkhof, M, Koppelman, GH, Brunekreef, B & Smit, HA.

“Asthma therapy during the first 8 years of life: a PIAMA cohort study”. J Asthma 47(2) [2010], 209-213.

Zuidgeest, MGP, Koster, ES, Maitland-van der Zee, A-H, Smit, HA, Brunekreef, B, Leufkens, HGM, Koppelman, GH, Postma, DS, de Jongste, JC, Hoekstra, MO & PIAMA-Study Group.

“Predicting the long-term prognosis of children with symptoms suggestive of asthma at preschool age”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 124(5) [2009], 903-910.e1-7.

Caudri, D, Wijga, A, A Schipper, CM, Hoekstra, M, Postma, DS, Koppelman, GH, Brunekreef, B, Smit, HA & de Jongste, JC.

“Early daycare is associated with an increase in airway symptoms in early childhood but is no protection against asthma or atopy at 8 years”. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 180(6) [2009], 491-498.

Caudri, D, Wijga, A, Scholtens, S, Kerkhof, M, Gerritsen, J, Ruskamp, JM, Brunekreef, B, Smit, HA & de Jongste, JC.

“The impact of ambient NO on online measurements of exhaled and nasal NO: the PIAMA study”. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 20(7) [2009], 665-672.

Gehring, U, Oldenwening, M, Brunekreef, B, Wieringa, MH, Kerkhof, M, Smit, HA, van der Ent, CK & de Jongste, JC.

“HbA(1c) levels in non-diabetic Dutch children aged 8-9 years: the PIAMA birth cohort study”. Diabet. Med. 26(2) [2009], 122-127.

Jansen, H, Wijga, AH, Smit, HA, Scholtens, S, Kerkhof, M, Koppelman, GH, de Jongste, JC & Stolk, RP.

“Effects of pets on asthma development up to 8 years of age: the PIAMA study”. Allergy 64(8) [2009], 1202-1208.

Kerkhof, M, Wijga, AH, Brunekreef, B, Smit, HA, de Jongste, JC, Aalberse, RC, Hoekstra, MO, Gerritsen, J & Postma, DS.

“Prevalence of antibodies against Ascaris suum and its association with allergic manifestations in 4-year-old children in The Netherlands: the PIAMA birth cohort study”. Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 28(11) [2009], 1327-1334.

Pinelli, E, Willers, SM, Hoek, D, Smit, HA, Kortbeek, LM, Hoekstra, M, de Jongste, J, van Knapen, F, Postma, D, Kerkhof, M, Aalberse, R, van der Giessen, JWB & Brunekreef, B.

“Smoke exposure interacts with ADAM33 polymorphisms in the development of lung function and hyperresponsiveness”. Allergy 64(6) [2009], 898-904.

Reijmerink, NE, Kerkhof, M, Koppelman, GH, Gerritsen, J, de Jongste, JC, Smit, HA, Brunekreef, B & Postma, DS.

“Asthma at 8 years of age in children born by caesarean section”. Thorax 64(2) [2009], 107-113.

Roduit, C, Scholtens, S, de Jongste, JC, Wijga, AH, Gerritsen, J, Postma, DS, Brunekreef, B, Hoekstra, MO, Aalberse, R & Smit, HA.

“Exploring the role of polymorphisms in ficolin genes in respiratory tract infections in children”. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 155(3) [2009], 433-440.

Ruskamp, JM, Hoekstra, MO, Postma, DS, Kerkhof, M, Bottema, RW, Koppelman, GH, Rovers, MM, Wijga, AH, de Jongste, JC, Brunekreef, B & Sanders, E a. M.

“Breast feeding, parental allergy and asthma in children followed for 8 years. The PIAMA birth cohort study”. Thorax 64(7) [2009], 604-609.

Scholtens, S, Wijga, AH, Brunekreef, B, Kerkhof, M, Hoekstra, MO, Gerritsen, J, Aalberse, R, de Jongste, JC & Smit, HA.

“Overweight and changes in weight status during childhood in relation to asthma symptoms at 8 years of age”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 123(6) [2009], 1312-1318.e2.

Scholtens, S, Wijga, AH, Seidell, JC, Brunekreef, B, de Jongste, JC, Gehring, U, Postma, DS, Kerkhof, M & Smit, HA.

“Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in breast milk and early weight gain in breast-fed infants”. Br. J. Nutr. 101(1) [2009], 116-121.

Scholtens, S, Wijga, AH, Smit, HA, Brunekreef, B, de Jongste, JC, Gerritsen, J & Seidell, JC.

“Filaggrin mutations in the onset of eczema, sensitization, asthma, hay fever and the interaction with cat exposure”. Allergy 64(12) [2009], 1758-1765.

Schuttelaar, MLA, Kerkhof, M, Jonkman, MF, Koppelman, GH, Brunekreef, B, de Jongste, JC, Wijga, A, McLean, WHI & Postma, DS.

Adenotonsillectomy and the development of overweight”. Pediatrics 123(4) [2009], 1095-1101.

Wijga, AH, Scholtens, S, Wieringa, MH, Kerkhof, M, Gerritsen, J, Brunekreef, B & Smit, HA.

“Interleukin 13, CD14, pet and tobacco smoke influence atopy in three Dutch cohorts: the allergenic study”. Eur. Respir. J. 32(3) [2008], 593-602.

Bottema, RWB, Reijmerink, NE, Kerkhof, M, Koppelman, GH, Stelma, FF, Gerritsen, J, Thijs, C, Brunekreef, B, van Schayck, CP & Postma, DS.

“Domestic cat allergen and allergic sensitisation in young children”. Int J Hyg Environ Health 211(3-4) [2008], 337-344.

Chen, C-M, Gehring, U, Wickman, M, Hoek, G, Giovannangelo, M, Nordling, E, Wijga, A, de Jongste, J, Pershagen, G, Almqvist, C, Kerkhof, M, Bellander, T, Wichmann, H-E, Brunekreef, B & Heinrich, J.

“Meta-analysis of determinants for pet ownership in 12 European birth cohorts on asthma and allergies: a GA2LEN initiative”. Allergy 63(11) [2008], 1491-1498.

Eller, E, Roll, S, Chen, C-M, Herbarth, O, Wichmann, H-E, von Berg, A, Krämer, U, Mommers, M, Thijs, C, Wijga, A, Brunekreef, B, Fantini, MP, Bravi, F, Forastiere, F, Porta, D, Sunyer, J, Torrent, M, Høst, A, Halken, S, Lødrup Carlsen, KC, Carlsen, K-H, Wickman, M, Kull, I, Wahn, U, Willich, SN, Lau, S, Keil, T, Heinrich, J & Working Group of GA2LEN–Work Package 1.5 Birth Cohorts.

“Polymorphisms in the mannan-binding lectin gene are not associated with questionnaire-reported respiratory tract infections in children”. J. Infect. Dis. 198(11) [2008], 1707-1713.

Ruskamp, JM, Hoekstra, MO, Postma, DS, Kerkhof, M, Bottema, RW, Koppelman, GH, Rovers, MM, Wijga, AH, de Jongste, JC, Brunekreef, B & Sanders, EA.

“Do differences in childhood diet explain the reduced overweight risk in breastfed children?”. Obesity (Silver Spring) 16(11) [2008], 2498-2503.

Scholtens, S, Brunekreef, B, Smit, HA, Gast, G-CM, Hoekstra, MO, de Jongste, JC, Postma, DS, Gerritsen, J, Seidell, JC & Wijga, AH.

“Maternal food consumption during pregnancy and the longitudinal development of childhood asthma”. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 178(2) [2008], 124-131.

Willers, SM, Wijga, AH, Brunekreef, B, Kerkhof, M, Gerritsen, J, Hoekstra, MO, de Jongste, JC & Smit, HA.

“Persistence of asthma medication use in preschool children”. Respir Med 102(10) [2008], 1446-1451.

Zuidgeest, MG, Smit, HA, Bracke, M, Wijga, AH, Brunekreef, B, Hoekstra, MO, Gerritsen, J, Kerkhof, M, de Jongste, JC, Leufkens, HG & PIAMA-Study Group.

“Air pollution and development of asthma, allergy and infections in a birth cohort”. Eur. Respir. J. 29(5) [2007], 879-888.

Brauer, M, Hoek, G, Smit, HA, de Jongste, JC, Gerritsen, J, Postma, DS, Kerkhof, M & Brunekreef, B.

“Respiratory symptoms in the first 7 years of life and birth weight at term: the PIAMA Birth Cohort”. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 175(10) [2007], 1078-1085.

Caudri, D, Wijga, A, Gehring, U, Smit, HA, Brunekreef, B, Kerkhof, M, Hoekstra, M, Gerritsen, J & de Jongste, JC.

“Bacteria and mould components in house dust and children’s allergic sensitisation”. Eur. Respir. J. 29(6) [2007], 1144-1153.

Gehring, U, Heinrich, J, Hoek, G, Giovannangelo, M, Nordling, E, Bellander, T, Gerritsen, J, de Jongste, JC, Smit, HA, Wichmann, H-E, Wickman, M & Brunekreef, B.

“Determinants of house dust endotoxin in three European countries – the AIRALLERG study”. Indoor Air 17(1) [2007], 70-79.

Giovannangelo, M, Gehring, U, Nordling, E, Oldenwening, M, Terpstra, G, Bellander, T, Hoek, G, Heinrich, J & Brunekreef, B.

“Variation of biocontaminant levels within and between homes–the AIRALLERG study”. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 17(2) [2007], 134-140.

Giovannangelo, M, Nordling, E, Gehring, U, Oldenwening, M, Bellander, T, Heinrich, J, Hoek, G & Brunekreef, B.

“Levels and determinants of beta(1–>3)-glucans and fungal extracellular polysaccharides in house dust of (pre-)school children in three European countries”. Environ Int 33(1) [2007], 9-16.

Giovannangelo, MECA, Gehring, U, Nordling, E, Oldenwening, M, van Rijswijk, K, de Wind, S, Hoek, G, Heinrich, J, Bellander, T & Brunekreef, B.

“Do parents who smoke underutilize health care services for their children? A cross sectional study within the longitudinal PIAMA study”. BMC Health Serv Res 7(-) [2007], 83.

Jacobs-van der Bruggen, MAM, Wijga, AH, Brunekreef, B, de Jongste, JC, Baan, CA, Kerkhof, M & Smit, HA.

“Reported versus measured body weight and height of 4-year-old children and the prevalence of overweight”. Eur J Public Health 17(4) [2007], 369-374.

Scholtens, S, Brunekreef, B, Visscher, TLS, Smit, HA, Kerkhof, M, de Jongste, JC, Gerritsen, J & Wijga, AH.

“Breastfeeding, weight gain in infancy, and overweight at seven years of age: the prevention and incidence of asthma and mite allergy birth cohort study”. Am. J. Epidemiol. 165(8) [2007], 919-926.

Scholtens, S, Gehring, U, Brunekreef, B, Smit, HA, de Jongste, JC, Kerkhof, M, Gerritsen, J & Wijga, AH.

“Repeated measurements of mite and pet allergen levels in house dust over a time period of 8 years”. Clin. Exp. Allergy 36(12) [2006], 1525-1531.

Antens, CJM, Oldenwening, M, Wolse, A, Gehring, U, Smit, HA, Aalberse, RC, Kerkhof, M, Gerritsen, J, de Jongste, JC & Brunekreef, B.

“Traffic-related air pollution and otitis media”. Environ. Health Perspect. 114(9) [2006], 1414-1418.

Brauer, M, Gehring, U, Brunekreef, B, de Jongste, J, Gerritsen, J, Rovers, M, Wichmann, H-E, Wijga, A & Heinrich, J.

“House dust mite allergen reduction and allergy at 4 yr: follow up of the PIAMA-study”. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 17(5) [2006], 329-336.

Corver, K, Kerkhof, M, Brussee, JE, Brunekreef, B, van Strien, RT, Vos, AP, Smit, HA, Gerritsen, J, Neijens, HJ & de Jongste, JC.

“Does early indoor microbial exposure reduce the risk of asthma? The Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy birth cohort study”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 117(5) [2006], 1067-1073.

Douwes, J, van Strien, R, Doekes, G, Smit, J, Kerkhof, M, Gerritsen, J, Postma, D, de Jongste, J, Travier, N & Brunekreef, B.

“Comparison of parental reports of smoking and residential air nicotine concentrations in children”. Occup Environ Med 63(11) [2006], 766-772.

Gehring, U, Leaderer, BP, Heinrich, J, Oldenwening, M, Giovannangelo, MECA, Nordling, E, Merkel, G, Hoek, G, Bellander, T & Brunekreef, B.

“Childhood cat allergen exposure in three European countries: The AIRALLERG study”. Sci. Total Environ. 369(1-3) [2006], 82-90.

Giovannangelo, M, Gehring, U, Nordling, E, Oldenwening, M, de Wind, S, Bellander, T, Almqvist, C, Heinrich, J, Hoek, G & Brunekreef, B.

“European birth cohort studies on asthma and atopic diseases: I. Comparison of study designs — a GALEN initiative”. Allergy 61(2) [2006], 221-228.

Keil, T, Kulig, M, Simpson, A, Custovic, A, Wickman, M, Kull, I, Lødrup Carlsen, KC, Carlsen, KH, Smit, HA, Wijga, AH, Schmid, S, Berg, A, Bollrath, C, Eller, E, Bindslev-Jensen, C, Halken, S, Høst, A, Heinrich, J, Porta, D, Forastiere, F, Brunekreef, B, Krämer, U, Willich, SN, Wahn, U, Lau, S & Working Group of GA(2)LEN-WP 1.5 “Birth Cohorts”.

“European birth cohort studies on asthma and atopic diseases: II. Comparison of outcomes and exposures–a GA2LEN initiative”. Allergy 61(9) [2006], 1104-1111.

Keil, T, Kulig, M, Simpson, A, Custovic, A, Wickman, M, Kull, I, Lødrup Carlsen, KC, Carlsen, KH, Smit, HA, Wijga, AH, Schmid, S, Von Berg, A, Bollrath, C, Eller, E, Bindslev-Jensen, C, Halken, S, Høst, A, Heinrich, J, Fantini, MP, Brunekreef, B, Krämer, U, Willich, SN, Wahn, U, Lau, S & working group of GA2LEN-WP 1.5 Birth Cohorts.

“Breast milk fatty acids and allergic disease in preschool children: the Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy birth cohort study”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 117(2) [2006], 440-447.

Wijga, AH, van Houwelingen, AC, Kerkhof, M, Tabak, C, de Jongste, JC, Gerritsen, J, Boshuizen, H, Brunekreef, B & Smit, HA.

“Gas cooking, kitchen ventilation, and asthma, allergic symptoms and sensitization in young children–the PIAMA study”. Allergy 61(5) [2006], 563-568.

Willers, SM, Brunekreef, B, Oldenwening, M, Smit, HA, Kerkhof, M, De Vries, H, Gerritsen, J & De Jongste, JC.

“Gas cooking, kitchen ventilation, and exposure to combustion products”. Indoor Air 16(1) [2006], 65-73.

Willers, SM, Brunekreef, B, Oldenwening, M, Smit, HA, Kerkhof, M & Vries, H.

“La mano de DIOS… was the PIAMA intervention study intervened upon?”. Allergy 60(8) [2005], 1083-1086.

Brunekreef, B, van Strien, R, Pronk, A, Oldenwening, M, de Jongste, JC, Wijga, A, Kerkhof, M & Aalberse, RC.

“Exhaled nitric oxide in 4-year-old children: relationship with asthma and atopy”. Eur. Respir. J. 25(3) [2005], 455-461.

Brussee, JE, Smit, HA, Kerkhof, M, Koopman, LP, Wijga, AH, Postma, DS, Gerritsen, J, Grobbee, DE, Brunekreef, B & de Jongste, JC.

“Allergen exposure in infancy and the development of sensitization, wheeze, and asthma at 4 years”. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 115(5) [2005], 946-952.

Brussee, JE, Smit, HA, van Strien, RT, Corver, K, Kerkhof, M, Wijga, AH, Aalberse, RC, Postma, D, Gerritsen, J, Grobbee, DE, de Jongste, JC & Brunekreef, B.

“GIS-based estimation of exposure to particulate matter and NO2 in an urban area: stochastic versus dispersion modeling”. Environ. Health Perspect. 113(8) [2005], 987-992.

Cyrys, J, Hochadel, M, Gehring, U, Hoek, G, Diegmann, V, Brunekreef, B & Heinrich, J.

“Exposure to traffic related air pollutants: self reported traffic intensity versus GIS modelled exposure”. Occup Environ Med 62(8) [2005], 517-523.

Heinrich, J, Gehring, U, Cyrys, J, Brauer, M, Hoek, G, Fischer, P, Bellander, T & Brunekreef, B.

“The effect of prenatal exposure on total IgE at birth and sensitization at twelve months and four years of age: The PIAMA study”. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 16(1) [2005], 10-18.

Kerkhof, M, Wijga, A, Smit, HA, de Jongste, JC, Aalberse, RC, Brunekreef, B, Gerritsen, J, Postma, DS & PIAMA Study Group.

“Interrupter resistance and wheezing phenotypes at 4 years of age”. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 169(2) [2004], 209-213.

Brussee, JE, Smit, HA, Koopman, LP, Wijga, AH, Kerkhof, M, Corver, K, Vos, APH, Gerritsen, J, Grobbee, DE, Brunekreef, B, Merkus, PJFM & de Jongste, JC.

“Spatial variation in nitrogen dioxide in three European areas”. Sci. Total Environ. 332(1-3) [2004], 217-230.

Lewné, M, Cyrys, J, Meliefste, K, Hoek, G, Brauer, M, Fischer, P, Gehring, U, Heinrich, J, Brunekreef, B & Bellander, T.

“Short and long term variability of the interrupter technique under field and standardised conditions in 3-6 year old children”. Thorax 58(9) [2003], 761-764.

Beelen, RMJ, Smit, HA, van Strien, RT, Koopman, LP, Brussee, JE, Brunekreef, B, Gerritsen, J & Merkus, PJFM.

“Estimating long-term average particulate air pollution concentrations: application of traffic indicators and geographic information systems”. Epidemiology 14(2) [2003], 228-239.

Brauer, M, Hoek, G, van Vliet, P, Meliefste, K, Fischer, P, Gehring, U, Heinrich, J, Cyrys, J, Bellander, T, Lewne, M & Brunekreef, B.

“Comparison between different traffic-related particle indicators: elemental carbon (EC), PM2.5 mass, and absorbance”. J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol 13(2) [2003], 134-143.

Cyrys, J, Heinrich, J, Hoek, G, Meliefste, K, Lewné, M, Gehring, U, Bellander, T, Fischer, P, van Vliet, P, Brauer, M, Wichmann, H-E & Brunekreef, B.

“Risk factors for atopic dermatitis in infants at high risk of allergy: the PIAMA study”. Clin. Exp. Allergy 33(10) [2003], 1336-1341.

Kerkhof, M, Koopman, LP, van Strien, RT, Wijga, A, Smit, HA, Aalberse, RC, Neijens, HJ, Brunekreef, B, Postma, DS, Gerritsen, J & PIAMA Study Group.

“Increased serum IL-10/IL-12 ratio in wheezing infants”. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 14(2) [2003], 112-119.

Koopman, LP, Savelkoul, H, van Benten, IJ, Gerritsen, J, Brunekreef, B & J Neijens, H.

“Mattress encasings and mite allergen levels in the Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy study”. Clin. Exp. Allergy 33(4) [2003], 490-495.

van Strien, RT, Koopman, LP, Kerkhof, M, Oldenwening, M, de Jongste, JC, Gerritsen, J, Neijens, HJ, Aalberse, RC, Smit, HA, Brunekreef, B & Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy Study.

“Association of consumption of products containing milk fat with reduced asthma risk in pre-school children: the PIAMA birth cohort study”. Thorax 58(7) [2003], 567-572.

Wijga, AH, Smit, HA, Kerkhof, M, de Jongste, JC, Gerritsen, J, Neijens, HJ, Boshuizen, HC, Brunekreef, B & PIAMA.

“Fatty acids in breast milk of allergic and non-allergic mothers: The PIAMA birth cohort study”. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 14(3) [2003], 156-162.

Wijga, A, Houwelingen, AC, Smit, HA, Kerkhof, M, Vos, APH, Neijens, HJ, Brunekreef, B & PIAMA Birth Cohort Study.

“Air pollution from traffic and the development of respiratory infections and asthmatic and allergic symptoms in children”. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 166(8) [2002], 1092-1098.

Brauer, M, Hoek, G, Van Vliet, P, Meliefste, K, Fischer, PH, Wijga, A, Koopman, LP, Neijens, HJ, Gerritsen, J, Kerkhof, M, Heinrich, J, Bellander, T & Brunekreef, B.

“The prevention and incidence of asthma and mite allergy (PIAMA) birth cohort study: design and first results”. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 13 Suppl 15(-) [2002], 55-60.

Brunekreef, B, Smit, J, de Jongste, J, Neijens, H, Gerritsen, J, Postma, D, Aalberse, R, Koopman, L, Kerkhof, M, Wilga, A & van Strien, R.

“Placebo-controlled trial of house dust mite-impermeable mattress covers: effect on symptoms in early childhood”. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 166(3) [2002], 307-313.

Koopman, LP, van Strien, RT, Kerkhof, M, Wijga, A, Smit, HA, de Jongste, JC, Gerritsen, J, Aalberse, RC, Brunekreef, B, Neijens, HJ & Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy (PIAMA) Study.

“Early respiratory and skin symptoms in relation to ethnic background: the importance of socioeconomic status; the PIAMA study”. Arch. Dis. Child. 87(6) [2002], 482-488.

Koopman, LP, Wijga, A, Smit, HA, De Jongste, JC, Kerkhof, M, Gerritsen, J, Vos, APH, Van Strien, RT, Brunekreef, B & Neijens, HJ.

“Exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation in young Dutch children: assessment by means of a 6-week retrospective questionnaire”. J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol 12(3) [2002], 204-213.

Termorshuizen, F, Wijga, A, Garssen, J, Den Outer, PN, Slaper, H & Van Loveren, H.

“Mite and pet allergen levels in homes of children born to allergic and nonallergic parents: the PIAMA study”. Environ. Health Perspect. 110(11) [2002], A693-698.

van Strien, RT, Koopman, LP, Kerkhof, M, Spithoven, J, de Jongste, JC, Gerritsen, J, Neijens, HJ, Aalberse, RC, Smit, HA & Brunekreef, B.